Posts Tagged ‘Covid narrative’

Historical Prospective and More: Every Twenty Years? Or Every Twenty Centuries?

June 7, 2023

I just read a great summation of the whole ‘how covid screwed humanity’ in the US anyway, here. The author stated twenty clear-cut reasons why and how and by whom the whole bogus covid narrative screwed the US (and of course the rest of the world): the whole plot was to see just how much the criminal psychopathic “ruling class” could get away with to implement their satanic “great reset” “climate change” “stakeholder capitalism” “woke” insanity by destroying traditions, morality and normal goodness, even screwing with spiritual traditions (except for Orthodox Jewish synagogues, of course…can’t mess with the Talmudics, right? But screw the believers in Christ! Of course!). While the post was spot on, it was the number twenty he used that got me thinking using historical (and also spiritual and Biblical) context.

The number twenty brings up some generational concept known as the Strauss and Howe “Fourth Turning” scenario often used by Jim Quinn’s popular site Burning Platform. Being a Boomer, I often disagreed with his notions of blaming on Boomers what really shouldn’t have been (mostly the whole 60s cultural thing, hippies, etc., even though we were perhaps the most anti-war generation in recent times! It was us Boomers who ended the draft! Sheesh!). Still, Quinn’s site is a good one…too bad he lives near Philly! But the twenty-year thing makes sense:

1940s—WW2, and then the Cold War, etc.

1960s—Vietnam War, hippie/rock music/anti-war and civil rights movements, and then making peace with China (right after Mao get rid of that Cultural Revolution crapola). And, let us not forget Nixon taking the dollar off the gold standard.

1980s—relative peace in US foreign policy (amazing! Who woulda thunk it?), destruction of the USSR and Warsaw Pact, into the late 90s and the US getting back into the war thing screwing over Yugoslavia, and more.

2000s—began with good ol’ 9-11. And then it’s downhill from there…

2020—Covid, and now it’s really downhill…but thank God people really are waking up to the criminal psychos (who are NOT “elite”! Parasites are never elite!)

So, what will 2040 look like…if there is a 2040? And will there be a 2030 the Davos parasites constantly prattle on about? Seriously—these satanic idiots actually think us “deplorables” will eat bugs, not use fossil fuels, drive bicycles on rocky dirt roads (since there will be virtually no EV charging stations out here in the rural remote…and forget about moving us into “15-minute cities”! Mountain lions won’t stand for it!), rely on QR codes when wi-fi is a slow as molasses, own nothing and ‘be happy’ (heck, even the parasites are never happy, even when they control most of the world’s wealth and can get away with anything including drinking baby blood—Dracula was not a myth, okay? Vlad the Impaler…Elizabeth Bathory…these folks actually existed, and set an example for the rest of the parasite class who worship Satan)…and do I need to continue?

Or do we need to go back roughly twenty centuries?

Since the current century began in 2001, let’s go back roughly 2000 years to…

Roughly the birth year of the One Who will reign at some point, in this century or not…the One the parasite lovers of Satan despise (along with Talmudic Jewry, or do I repeat myself?)—Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Because I will say this—the birth, death and resurrection of Christ did change everything! And He will come again at some point…and will the parasites repent?

So then let’s go back another 2000 years to roughly 2000 BC. I do not know the exactly year good ol’ Nimrod, that “mighty hunter before the Lord,” figured that by building that Tower of Babel in Sumeria to “reach heaven” and “be like God” and the rest, got everybody together in one place with one speech to build the thing…before God put an end to that by “confounding everyone’s speech.” Which, of course, again completely changed history as all those families and groups had to migrate elsewhere because they could no longer communicate with their fellows due to “confounded” speech.

And then there is 4000 BC when some claim God created Adam and Eve…

So then, let’s sum this twenty-century thing up:

4000 BC – 2000 BC: The beginning of history including Noah’s Flood (around 2350 BC) to “the confounding of languages” at Babel which caused many, many tribal groups of humans heading to their own nations.

2000 BC to “Year Zero” AD: After confounding languages and folks moving to all the areas of the world that were land-wise united, soon after that, God, in the “days of Peleg” (descended from Noah’s son Shem), “the continents were divided” such that these folks had to pretty much stay where they were and not re-unite in some sort of “one world government” scenario as with Nimrod’s “Babylon-Shinar” “kingdom” with “one speech.” (Note to the parasites with their “one world govt. great reset plan”—sorry, it won’t work, for Ecclesiastes 1:9 makes it clear—“The thing which hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun.” Meaning, if God screwed over Nimrod’s one world govt., God will screw over YOUR one world govt.! And yes, God controls your god Satan—try reading the Book of Job sometime! And did Satan win his “battle” with Christ in Matthew Chapter Four? NO!)

“Year Zero” AD – 2000 AD: The Word of Christ spreads the world. Then Islam and Talmudic Judaism, then other religions (Hinduism and Buddhism likely came about in the previous period). Empires, from Asia, Central Asia, Europe, Mezo-America, Africa, Middle East, when peoples conquered peoples, and religious wars as well (beginning with the “great schism” between Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox denominations in 1054 and then the Protestant Reformation which led to Catholic-Protestant wars). And economic events, banksterism, oligarchies, criminal organizations, corruption of all governments and more conquests and “people’s revolutions” (which solved nothing) and then Marxist crapola which only divided peoples even more and ushered in new ways to accomplish the destruction of humanity in a cultural, spiritual, and moral sense (Ephesians 6:12 comes to mind), then world wars in the 1900s, all of which ushered in the next period…

2000 AD – the present: 9-11 and then Covid… and all the satanic crapola these two events brought about for the sake of those parasites…who will lose! For “insouciant” folks are waking up like they always have woken up. For there is nothing new under the sun, and thank God for that!

Next post hopefully next week will likely be about civilization cycles, and are we headed into a new one? Multipolar?