Posts Tagged ‘the movie Idiocracy’

Parallels with the USA Today and the Movie ‘Idiocracy’

September 26, 2023

Right now, the movie ‘Idiocracy’ produced by Mike Judge, set in the year 2505, isĀ free to watch on YouTube but since it is rated R, you have to sign in to “confirm your age.” That is, sign in to your Google account (since YouTube is owned by Google), which I almost never do, except to watch “sign in ” movies.

I saw this a few years ago and recorded it on DVD, but the DVD player and TV are broken… So, watched it on YouTube, and believe me, it was watching a tale that resounds with the present. Let me count the ways…

1. The evil that runs this world wants to destroy nature, farming, growing vegetables. After all, you-know-who wants us to eat “ze bugs” and another you-know-who wants us to eat fake meat and another you-know-who is putting mRNA “vaccines” now in shrimp after putting them in pork. And what better way to destroy crops than to spray them with electrolytes (full of salt) instead of water? Because electrolytes are “what plants crave,” right?

2. The “smartest guy in the world” has an IQ of 90, according to the beginning of the movie. But that’s what happens when equity takes the place of ability, merit, and hard work (that is, replacing a person who is better at the job because of the DIE garbage that hands positions to folks based solely on race or “gender fluidity,” not knowledge or merit)…when universities accept students of lesser IQ or test scores and rejects Asian or white students because…equity, and to hell with ability and merit! My advice? Screw college, especially the social “sciences” (including psychology)! You might want to check out trade schools where you actually learn skills to live in the REAL WORLD! (Social science degrees are worthless, IMHO…and I have a degree in Psychology…Hmmmmm…which, to me, was worthless.)

3. The movie supposes that the reason the US went into stupidity mode was because smart folks stopped having kids while idiots had more and more…but notice the “white trash” aspect of the folks who had more kids? Whether “white trash” or not, Judge seemed to know that in reality, smarter folks really were having less kids while dumber folks had more (regardless of race, however), in the year the movie was made, 2006. And yes, these days it seems true that the more uneducated the couple is, the more kids they’ll have (regardless of race or income). Why? Because when both parents have to work, they’re likely to have fewer children, whereas it seems single mothers without husbands tend to have more kids–without fathers, and thus the kids are not necessarily brought up properly, especially in big cities (and I don’t just mean blacks here, since this situation affects whites and Hispanics as well).

4. When the movie President Comacho kept saying “I give you my word” during a speech, it reminded me that when Trump was president, he uttered the same words during a speech. But while Trump does have some Comacho-like characteristics, I’d say Brandon–you know who I mean–is actually more like Comacho…actually, Comacho mostly seems a bit more intelligent than that dude I call “Brandon”!

5. The top movie in the movie is called “Ass.” But the wokester movies made these days are not that far from the totally immoral “Ass.” The mostly garbage that the movie industry is making these days is like “Ass,” considering they can’t come up with anything original and it seems all they do is remake the remakes….and that applies to much of the music industry as well, if you can call what they produce these days “music.”

6. Everyone is tatooed with some form of ‘mark of the beast’ on hand ID…it’s not ‘digital,’ but in a way it is digital. The only thing the movie lacked was the coming “social credit score”…and where were all the smart SMS phones and “QR codes”? But I guess the society in the movie was too stupid to know how to use them…

7. The only things that matter to folks are sex and entertainment…kinda like today. And good ol’ regulatory capture, by a company called “Brawndo,” which controls the entire food industry, having purchased all the other food companies…and did you notice everything was brought to you by “Carl’s Jr.”? Sound like a certain Big Pharma company that sponsors likely half the ads on TV these days…you know the company I mean!

8. Notice some dude trying to put a square peg in a round hole when “Not Sure” took the intelligence test at the jail? Well, when “2+2=5” in the garbage Common Core math curriculum is taught in many public schools these days…and when nearly half of the graduates of public schools in certain cities can’t read, write, or do math…it isn’t just Baltimore, okay?

9. Notice how folks with half a brain in the movie are looked upon with disdain? Kind of like how wokesters who think a man can get pregnant or the poorest section of the US, “white trash central,” Appalachia, has “white privilege”… So how are poor whites “privileged”? Oh yeah, because they’re white…never mind their ancestors where likely indentured servants given “40 acres and a mule” in Appalachia… But noooo…billionaire hyper-hypocrite Oprah Winfrey, who set up a bogus “charity” for the Maui fire victims, isn’t “privileged” because she’s not white…right! And did you notice in the movie that Comacho, the President, was black? Hmmmmmm….

10. So what I am saying is this: thanks to the wokesters trying to turn the US into their “utopia” run by idiot psychopaths, they are actually trying to turn the US into an IDIOCRACY!

Sorry, wokester idiots, it won’t work. Not in the long run, anyway. For one thing, more and more parents are homeschooling their kids… You know, smart folks? Hmmmmmm…. I bet you the psychos that invented Covid and the “vaccines” didn’t see that one coming….