Posts Tagged ‘Biblical Context’

Time to Focus–Historical, Spiritual, Biblical Context, Because the Rest is Distraction

May 31, 2023

Over the last ten or more posts on this site…and sorry if I haven’t posted in a while when I said I would try to post regularly…have been the following topics:

1. Non-compliance with govt. and not relying on govt.
2. The fallacy of “Christian Nationalism”, two sides of the same coin. One cannot put nation on the same    footing as Christ. Christ first.
3. Fallacy of atl-media as well as MSM lies, propaganda
4. Get out of the system as much as you can, do not rely on system
5. Face reality
6. Fearmongering
7. The deceit of the masses (from both sides, left and right)
8. Alt-media know-it-alls…solution? Where’s their solution? (PCR and others)
9. Great reset and transhumanism, WEF, climate change, DEI, ESG
10. Psychos exposing themselves and their agenda (satanic)
11. Covid vaxxes killing off those who took the vaxx and thus those who complied…bad idea! You could have killed off us non-compliers…
12. Convenience equals slavery (vaccines and more, QR codes, smart appliances)
13. Go along to get along (conformity)-cancel culture
14. Acccept “the narrative” just because…woke neighbor might turn you into the stasi-FBI
15. Fake reality, CGI, virtual reality, meaningless and empty life
16. Fallacy of communist control, Texit
17. Historical context
18. End times, anti-Christ (and ancient hisotry Noah Flood and Nimrod and Peleg)
19. Nothing new under the son (Ecc. 1:9)
20. God is in control…history-His story!

And then there is the “race card” meme in earlier posts. But I already responded to that DIE, ESG, “critical race theory” garbage–the only race that matter is the HUMAN RACE! Take your transhumanist crapola and shove it!

I am not an economist (but can “do the math”…can Paul Krugman and the rest of his evil minions?).

I am not a health professional (but was a nurse aid and EKG tech in the past) and no longer trust the health profession. Screw the “pandemic treaty”! I WILL NOT COMPLY!

I am not a politician. I thank God for that! I can’t think of a profession more compromised. And aren’t most of ’em Freemasons anyway?

I am not a techie. And I never willl be! Shove those QR Codes up your butt! No “stupid” phone for me!

I am not a bureaucrat. My life is too meaningful to perform meaningless “tasks”…and good luck to those 87,000 traitorous new “IRS agents” going after non-woke Christians (including non-white ones…don’t think they’ll just go after whites…more deception!)…Sorry, but “tun the other cheek” only goes so far…

I am an author (, but being a celebrity or “influencer” is the last thing I want…but it would be wonderful if readers of my books decided on their own to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, their choice. For that is why I write my novels, my “mission” so to speak. I even offer some novels fro FREE PDF. I may do the same for my latest novel forth-coming called The Murder Rule.

So, the economy and system and political bureaucratic nonsense and “climate change” and “eat bugs” and “own nothing and be happy” garbage and all those race-tranny-LGBTQ+-non-white-non-Christian supremacy actors (do I need the parentheses here? Bwahahahahahahahaha) can be written about on other sites if not here, because it is time for me to focus–on historical, spiritual, and Biblican context. For God–not Bill Gates, not Nuval Harari, not Klaus Schwab, not “Joe Biden”, not Putin, not Xi, not Rothschild, not Blackrock/Vanguard/State Street, not Tony Fauci, not Tedros whatshisname head of the WHO, not Chabad Lubavitch and the rest of the Synagogue of Satan aka Talmudic Jewry, and not anyone else among the minions of Satan–but GOD, is in control! History is called “history” for a reason–HIS STORY!