Posts Tagged ‘Communism’

Why I Have Not Posted in Months

February 27, 2024

My last post was in late December over the possible downfall of Christian Zionism due to young Christians not buying into Israel’s genocide of Palestinians which many (not all, but many) Christian Zionists either support of couldn’t care less about…never mind that some of these genocided Palestinians are Christian!…well, that was my latest post, and here it is the end of February. And there is so much I could post about but… well, too much, really.

The fact that ‘president’ Brandon–you know who I mean!–is doing his best to destroy the USA, using illegals to do as much thuggery as possible because after all Soros-backed DAs have to “earn their keep’ by allowing criminals, illegals or not, to destroy the cities.

The fact that the US refuses to back UN resolutions to end he Gaza genocide because, after all, the Jewish supremacists aka anti-Christs must own the USgovt., which of course it does. How many files on sodomy and pedophilia did Epstein (backed by Mossad) have on US politicians? Or Gislaine (spelling?) Maxwell? Wasn’t she tied to the Mossad?

The fact that white males are being denied jobs because they are white males? Oh, and so are Asians…after all, we can’t have smart Asians and smart white males doing jobs hat smart folks ought to be doing. Because we can’t let DEI “die”! That wouldn’t be good for the destruction of the USA now would it?

The fact that popular culture is so Satanic now that even non-satanic rappers are getting screwed…just ask Tom McDonald, that tatooed white dude who got screwed by some major media outfit since he tend to top the independent media music charts and he won’t sell his soul to the devil if you know what I mean (and he’s white…can’t let a white dude top the charts now can we?)

The fact that the latest Super Bowl was as rigged as it could be…because after all Taylor “witch” Swift has to have her moments of idolatry, and Travis Kelce, who sold his soul to Pharma-cidal Pfizer, has to have his third, or its it fourth, Super Bowl ring? Now Patrick Mahomes claims to be a Christian, but…sorry, Pat, a true Christian QB would never be allowed to win one, let along three of four, Super Bowls. Just ask Tom Brady–whose former wife Giselle Bundschen claimed to be witch.

The fact that that so-called WHO “Pandemic Treaty” might just wipe out a third of the Earth’s population, while the WEF demands those of us not in the psychopathic elites eat bugs and own nothing and be happy. Just ask anyone you happen to know who escaped North Korea how that’s gonna work! (Because I know someone who escaped North Korea, before the Kims completely destroyed the place, in the mid-50s.)

The fact that the govt. here and everywhere else will go after anyone not having a “digital ID” using “CDBCs” because after all the WEF and the rest of Bill Gates’ and George Soros’ satanic crowd must own it all and murder as many of us “useless eaters” (or, as Nuval Noah Harari puts it, “hackable animals”) as they can while those who survive will wipe these psycho’s asses.

And then there is geo-engineering…link to because Dane Wiggington knows a whole lot more about this fact than I do! Also, IceAgeFarmer, if he’s still on YouTube…

And Canadian Prepper as well…look him up on YouTube. I watch his videos while eating dinner often. He lives in Saskatchewan, Canada, and he’s quite the prepper!

So this is what it comes down to–I am no expert on the economy, the Border, the various wars (and really, I can no longer trust any of the MSM legacy media or even alt-media sites on the Ukraine-Russia or Israel-Hamas wars because it seems to me that none of these so-called experts are telling the whole truth about these events, as if they are afraid to. As much as I like Tucker for the most part, does he really really know the whole truth? I doubt it!)…and all this other stuff going on…what it comes down to is I really can’t be sure that the truth is being told, thus I’m not really sure blogging on this stuff is worth my time.

And the other thing is this–one thing I am pretty sure of is that the SPIRITUAL REALM hold the key to all these events. God know, Christ knows. I don’t know (after all, I do fall short of the glory of God), but I do care, so it is likely that from here on in it will be the spiritual realm that I will blog about, relating to events happening on Earth and in the US. In the world, but not of the world sorta thing. Blessings!

Individual or Collective, We Will Get What We Deserve

August 21, 2020

A lot of bloggers and so-called journalists (really, does such a person even exist anymore unless they get “cancel cultured”?) these days are saying “We’ll get what we deserve.” Because seemingly no one is resisting mask wearing and calling a spade a spade and getting all pissed off at riots and looting and the narrative.

Actually, the narrative–call it what you will and think about it as you will….I’m not going to say what this narrative is because all one has to do is watch MSM TV, listen to MSM radio or watch MSM YouTube channels–is what is turning parts of the US into a hell hole because those complaining about the narrative have done nothing to quell it. It’s like voting so you can complain or something!

But remember this: slaves can complain even though they may get whipped for it.

Folks who are free do not have to complain, so they don’t–these are the folks who DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Folks are pissed since police departments are being defunded. So? Take care of the matter yourself! Grow up, dumb ass!

Whites are complaining since whites are being shamed for being white–by whites no less! Bwahahahahahahaha! So? Why do you even listen to these idiots at NPR, CNN, etc. or the New York Crimes? (Note: Russ Winter at WinterWatch calls them the New York Slimes….maybe that is more accurate, but these bogus “journalists” are committing a hate crime by their constantly attacking whites WHO PAY THEIR SALARIES and, through taxation so that blacks can get all kinds of free stuff especially if they loot fancy stores, REPARATIONS!

You want reparations, black supremacist? Then loot the New York Times and the Washington Post! Steal their whatever and then sell it on E-Bay.

Note: I haven’t bought a damned thing on E-Bay in about 20 years and I never will.

So what do you do, white idiot? BOYCOTT, DIVEST and SANCTION The New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CNN, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other corporation “donating” to BLM and Antifa and their ilk (and the NFAC–Nothing Fluffy About Communist-crapola!) If BDS can work for Palestinians, why not whites?

And now on to the mask-wearing bullies….

Anyone wearing a mask because they want to since they think (likely wrongly, but that’s up to them) wearing a mask will protect others in stores and what not, fine. But it’s the mask wearing bullies that scream at children and injure parents and teens and adults and old folks simply because they are not wearing masks that need their come-upance! And maybe they are already in the process of getting their com-upance…not only are actual doctors telling folks to not wear masks which goes against the narrative and could get them fired from their jobs, but some mask wearers are already feeling the result of constant mask-wearing, such as breathing problems, rashes and pimples where the mask would be, and some themselves are being attacked for attacking others (esp. employees…remember that video of some old lady Karen being sent to the floor of a department store which causes her leg to be broken?)

Now the old lady didn’t deserve to get a broken leg out of it, but folks like her will get what they deserve when they get their “chip” of whatever. Here is a video that explains this…hopefully YouTube hasn’t deleted it yet.

Luciferase, and more about the Quantum Dots vaccines Gates is backing, Moderna

So here is what I’m saying:

Buy into the narrative and you will get the idiocy you deserve. Buy into “the mask cult” and get the “mark of the beast” (maybe) that just might change your RNA and DNA and make you not fully human…. Hopefully if there are mandatory vaccines they will at least have been proven to be safe and human friendly. But remember–if a vaccine harms you, you CANNOT SUE the vaccine maker…according to a law passed in 1986, vaccine makers are IMMUNE FROM LIABILITY! Think about that one! All vaccines should be VOLUNTARY!

Buy into white shame for no reason (did you own any black slaves? Huh? I didn’t think so!) and let those black supremacists destroy you and yours and let them burn or steal your house, car whatever…you may stop feeling guilty about being white but you might start feeling guilty about not being able to provide for you and yours, doncha think?

Keep wearing that mask that prevents you from breathing properly and fogs your glasses and makes you gasp for air at times and keep socially distancing so you won’t be able to hug your kids or grandkids or meet with friends just so you can bully those who do not follow your ‘narrative’ and see how happy you become since all you have become is a bully. Bullies are always happy, right? And so the elite masters you serve give one piece of iota about you? If you think so, you need to check your intelligence….your humanity as well. But if you want to be a zombie….I hope you can get paid to play one in some dystopian movie….ytou might actually be happy about that…

But if you get that luciferase vaccine and become part of (to reference Star Trek: Next Generation) “the borg” you sure will be happy then..unless it harms you but you can’t sue the vaccine maker because of a “law” and which why should vaccine makers create good vaccines that won’t harm you since you can’t sue them anyway….need I say more?

And to you far left Antif-ites: want Communism? You’ll get it!–a note from someone who actually hanged out with communists in the early 70s. I  know of what I speak! I said it in a previous post.


Cancel Culture is Nothing New…It Happened Back in the 80s!

July 17, 2020

I just got finished reading an article on “RealClearPolitics” (linked to here at IWB) from a law professor at Cornell U where he claims that students, faculty and others want him fired from his job because he criticized Black Lives Matter.

He claims, rightly, that most students are opposed to this cancel culture but are ‘silent’ about opposing it, and faculty that he’s known or are friends with are siding with BLM out of fear of losing their jobs themselves.

Kinda reminds me of the old Soviet Union, eh? I guess some have experienced communism…or one could call it fascism, isn’t that right Antifa?…before others will. But I suspect some never will because we won’t put up with it.

So why did Soviet and Chinese and North Korean and…and…you name it, people put up with Communism? Because they didn’t have the balls to oppose it!

I will not accept Communism or Socialism…for one thing, I witnessed it first hand. Back in the early 70s I hung out with a group called the American Communist Workers Movement (Marxist-Leninist) (ACWM-ML). Read about this group here. They disbanded after an infiltrated “Communist Conference” in Pontiac, Michigan, in 1973 that I attended for one day, learned it was infiltrated by the FBI using a phony Tampa communist group, and returned to my hospital EKG-technician job and left that group. Basically compared to BLM and Antifa, ACWM was pretty much a joke. But things have been ramped up quite a bit since. Out of ACWM and others the present day Antifa and other communist groups have grown.

And I have proof that individuals and regions and groups of people whom are potential victims of communism have resisted communism from the get-go. Ever hear of Albania?

In the late 1940s Albania’s Communist Party, soon to be called “The Party of Labor” headed by Enver Hoxha (pronounced “Ho-jah), took over the country after partisans kicked the Germans out of the country. If one knows anything about Albania one knows this. But if one studies Albanian’s history and culture, one can realize many Albanians not only didn’t buy into Communism, but actively resisted it throughout Hoxha’s rule and after.

In my days as a so-called “communist” (I really wasn’t…I was just wanting find out what communism was about, so I hung out with this group) I read a book about Albania’s history going back to the Ottoman days called “The History of the Party of Labor of Albania” (a compilation with no actual author). According to the book, the northern mountain regions inhabited by what are called “Ghegs” (northerners) never fully accepted Hoxha and his ilk, were never completely collectivized and communized. Try as Hoxha might, the Party of Labor never completely took over the mountain areas, meaning they never took over all of Albania! (One could say the same thing happened with the Soviet Union….the most eastern regions around the city of Vladavastok were never fully communized and had a lot more freedom, but I cannot verify that.)

Another book, a novel written by Albania’s foremost author, Ishmael Kadare, called “The Wedding,” verifies that communism never fully took over Albania. How and why did this happen? The Code of Lek, which is the marker of Albanian culture. “Lek” was supposedly the hero in the so-called 1300’s Battle of Kosovo against Serbia, and Lek wrote this Code for Albanians to live by so that Serbia would never want to attack it again. I am not expert in this Code, but one very important part of it is this: blood feud. If a neighbor steals or attacks one’s family or property, that family can get revenge on the neighbor, and the neighbor must respond, or else–the neighbor is shunned, and the like…by residents of that area. In “The Wedding,” the main female character who works at a bauxite mine (bauxite is one of Albania’s main exports) about to marry a low-lander (the term they use I think is “Tosk”) has a father who would not exact revenge on a robbing neighbor as ordered by the Code of Lek. So the father is shunned in a very insulting way–when he goes to a coffee shop he is served his cup of coffee under the knee of the waiter–that is, it looks as if the waiter is ‘pissing’ on the coffee! And this nonsense will continue to happen until the father gets his revenge.

So, imagine what would happen if some Party of Labor officials went to some Gheg town were the Code was enforced, forced someone to ‘communize’, and then vengeance was exacted against these officials? Hoxha must have known that he could never completely communize the mountainous regions of Albania, so he didn’t. Nor did his successors, and, in 1992, Albania liberated itself from Communism.

So that is one example of how and why Communism does not have to be accepted and enforced–unless one lives in fear that one thinks it must be accepted just because Soros and Co. are funding it and certain leftist politicians are trying to implement it because they benefit from it (think Minnesota former Congressman now Attorney General Keith Ellison here…and, oh yeah, he’s Muslim like Ilhan Omar is. And that shame to all Palestinians, Rashida Tlaib, who back-tracked on AIPAC…I guess she wants to continue to be in Congress from Michigan….)

Thus, communities and groups must resist Antifa/BLM/communists for real and not live in fear over it.

Back to cancel culture, which I actually witnessed back in 1980 at what was then THE politically correct university, “minority majority” and maybe the first (non-all-black) university to be minority-majority–SUNY Old Westbury.

It started out as an “experimental” college in the late 60s and became accredited in the early 70s. I went to the college (open admissions) and majored in psychology in 1979 after graduating from community college with an AS degree. (I tried to get into Physical Therapy school, but couldn’t). In the fall semester of 1980, two cancel culture events happened.

One of my psychology profs, a woman named Gerri Schwartz who tended to be more politically conservative and taught classes mostly in the genre of Behaviorism and Skinnerian-type psychology–but was a good prof nevertheless and taught statistics as well…and of course was Jewish–was fired because one student I knew in particular hated Schwartz because supposedly Schwartz would criticize some of this student’s comments or answers (this student was a Sociology major and was a black female…I know her name but no point in mentioning it here, but if she’s still alive I guarantee it she’s an SJW…one of the first ever, likely). I and several other students went to the head of the Psych Dept. to beg him not to have her fired, to no effect. She was replaced by a black male prof…a good one, but I never had any of his classes.

Then later an administrator, an assistant Dean, was threatened with being fired after ‘pissing off’ a whole lot of minority students (the man was white and had an Irish surname that I will not mention). In fact it got so crazy many students protested to get him fired and shouted this slogan: “(Name), you liar! We’ll set your pants on fire!” The protests happened in front of the administrative offices above the college dorm cafeteria. Some students I knew took part in the demonstrations but I did not…I saw no point and really didn’t understand what the man had done that caused that event to happen.

So, in 1980 (I graduated in 1981), a college prof and a college administrator got ‘cancel cultured’ likely just because they weren’t ‘politically correct’ enough.