Posts Tagged ‘Christian Zionism’

Why I Have Not Posted in Months

February 27, 2024

My last post was in late December over the possible downfall of Christian Zionism due to young Christians not buying into Israel’s genocide of Palestinians which many (not all, but many) Christian Zionists either support of couldn’t care less about…never mind that some of these genocided Palestinians are Christian!…well, that was my latest post, and here it is the end of February. And there is so much I could post about but… well, too much, really.

The fact that ‘president’ Brandon–you know who I mean!–is doing his best to destroy the USA, using illegals to do as much thuggery as possible because after all Soros-backed DAs have to “earn their keep’ by allowing criminals, illegals or not, to destroy the cities.

The fact that the US refuses to back UN resolutions to end he Gaza genocide because, after all, the Jewish supremacists aka anti-Christs must own the USgovt., which of course it does. How many files on sodomy and pedophilia did Epstein (backed by Mossad) have on US politicians? Or Gislaine (spelling?) Maxwell? Wasn’t she tied to the Mossad?

The fact that white males are being denied jobs because they are white males? Oh, and so are Asians…after all, we can’t have smart Asians and smart white males doing jobs hat smart folks ought to be doing. Because we can’t let DEI “die”! That wouldn’t be good for the destruction of the USA now would it?

The fact that popular culture is so Satanic now that even non-satanic rappers are getting screwed…just ask Tom McDonald, that tatooed white dude who got screwed by some major media outfit since he tend to top the independent media music charts and he won’t sell his soul to the devil if you know what I mean (and he’s white…can’t let a white dude top the charts now can we?)

The fact that the latest Super Bowl was as rigged as it could be…because after all Taylor “witch” Swift has to have her moments of idolatry, and Travis Kelce, who sold his soul to Pharma-cidal Pfizer, has to have his third, or its it fourth, Super Bowl ring? Now Patrick Mahomes claims to be a Christian, but…sorry, Pat, a true Christian QB would never be allowed to win one, let along three of four, Super Bowls. Just ask Tom Brady–whose former wife Giselle Bundschen claimed to be witch.

The fact that that so-called WHO “Pandemic Treaty” might just wipe out a third of the Earth’s population, while the WEF demands those of us not in the psychopathic elites eat bugs and own nothing and be happy. Just ask anyone you happen to know who escaped North Korea how that’s gonna work! (Because I know someone who escaped North Korea, before the Kims completely destroyed the place, in the mid-50s.)

The fact that the govt. here and everywhere else will go after anyone not having a “digital ID” using “CDBCs” because after all the WEF and the rest of Bill Gates’ and George Soros’ satanic crowd must own it all and murder as many of us “useless eaters” (or, as Nuval Noah Harari puts it, “hackable animals”) as they can while those who survive will wipe these psycho’s asses.

And then there is geo-engineering…link to because Dane Wiggington knows a whole lot more about this fact than I do! Also, IceAgeFarmer, if he’s still on YouTube…

And Canadian Prepper as well…look him up on YouTube. I watch his videos while eating dinner often. He lives in Saskatchewan, Canada, and he’s quite the prepper!

So this is what it comes down to–I am no expert on the economy, the Border, the various wars (and really, I can no longer trust any of the MSM legacy media or even alt-media sites on the Ukraine-Russia or Israel-Hamas wars because it seems to me that none of these so-called experts are telling the whole truth about these events, as if they are afraid to. As much as I like Tucker for the most part, does he really really know the whole truth? I doubt it!)…and all this other stuff going on…what it comes down to is I really can’t be sure that the truth is being told, thus I’m not really sure blogging on this stuff is worth my time.

And the other thing is this–one thing I am pretty sure of is that the SPIRITUAL REALM hold the key to all these events. God know, Christ knows. I don’t know (after all, I do fall short of the glory of God), but I do care, so it is likely that from here on in it will be the spiritual realm that I will blog about, relating to events happening on Earth and in the US. In the world, but not of the world sorta thing. Blessings!

One Possibly Great Outcome of the Israel-Hamas War and Planned Genocide of Palestinians: The End of Christian Zionism

December 20, 2023

As to outcomes regarding the supposed “war” between Israel and Hamas–which is really a plan the Israeli govt. has been working on for years to genocide Palestinians, or at least ethnically cleanse them from Gaza and the West Bank–when it comes to both Israel and Hamas, there will be no good outcome.

As to Israel… Most of planet Earth is opposed to their actions within Gaza and also the West Bank. Proof of this are the various pro-Palestinian protests world-wide including in the West, mostly by young people…and not all of them are ‘woke’ either. More proof is that most UN nations wanted to halt the war, even most of Europe. But, naturally, the US within the Security Council voted to keep the war going, because… (You know the because part!) Such that while Israel has relied on their Holocaust narrative to defend their “right” to genocide or ethnically cleanse Palestinians, that narrative appears to be falling apart…even among a good number of Jews! And then there is the FACT that the IDF murdered innocent Israelis…and many Israelis are not exactly happy about that! And want Netanyahu (along with the Jewish supremacists he installed into the cabinet, like Smotrich, ben Gvir and others) gone from the government! And another FACT: the majority of young Americans do NOT support the Israeli side, but the Palestinian side. Most of the support for Israel these days is from the Boomers (and I am a Boomer who does not fit this narrative! But I do support innocent Israelis as well as innocent Palestinians…I do not support Hamas for sure.) I will bring this fact up again shortly…

As to Hamas… While some media claims Israel is winning this war, others claim Hamas is winning. So most of Gaza being bombed to ruins is “winning”? That most Gazans are starving or sick or injured or homeless as Israel bombs hospitals and churches and mosques…is “winning”? When apparent Israeli ally Egypt (thanks to that color revolution instigated by the US under Obama some years installing Sisi who is hated by most Egyptians) has built some wall to keep out Palestinians trying to flee Gaza to safety…Hamas is “winning”?

Where do they come up with this stuff? Oh yeah, the “deep state”…. which backs both sides, as usual.

Now, back to the fact that youth in the US do not support Israel.

Which leads to the fact that (other than likely a majority of American Jews, which is maybe less than 5 percent of the US population) the vast majority of Americans that support Israel are likely Boomers…to hell with the FACT that “ally” Israel MURDERED 34 American sailors on the USS Liberty in 1967…and that Israel finally admitted this in 2011 in the Times of Israel. (There is a link to this in a previous post some years ago). 

Which leads to this fact: among Christians in the US, a likely majority of Christians who are Boomers attend churches or otherwise that preach or practice a doctrine known as Christian Zionism–that is, they are Zionists who happen to call themselves Christian, and attend various churches and megachurches led by pastors who preach the chosen-ness of Jews/Israel based largely on the Scofield Reference Bible which goes off the rails when it comes to Genesis 12:3, where God blesses Abraham–not Jews, but Abraham–and states the nations will be blessed (or cursed if they “curse” Abraham. Why? The meaning? The meaning is this–because from the seed of Abraham is the One who will bless all–Christ. And not because Christ was Jewish, but because Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. And also guess what? Most Jews at the time of Christ REJECTED Christ, and STILL DO! But thanks to Cyrus Scofield–a grifter by the way–many Christians buy into the Christian Zionist narrative.

Christian Zionism, by the way, is almost strictly political, highlighted by John Hagee’s CUFI political groups (Christians United for Israel) and AIPAC (American-Israel Political Action Committee). Christian Zionists POLITICALLY support Israel, not spiritually. If they supported Israel spiritually, they’d be over in Israel trying to preach the message of Christ to Jews there. Now some do that, but most do not, seeing as how they might be spat on if they do.

CBN (Christian Broadcast Network) actually ran a video showing Orthodox Jews spitting on Christian prosletizers there. is the link. Copy and paste it into the browser.

I am not going to go into why Christian Zionists don’t rush headlong into trying to get Jews in Israel to accept Christ, but there are a number of reason that likely relate to their end-times belief system including the rapture.

So what is this notion in the title of this post about the “end of Christian Zionism”? If it is true that most young people do not support Israel anymore, then that would also mean it is likely that most young American Christians do not support the “sect” that so heavily supports (political) Israel, that is, they likely do not support Christian Zionism. And, since most Boomers will pass on over the next 20 or so years, and maybe even some Boomers will not approve of Israel’s nefarious plans regarding Palestinians (and especially the Christian ones!), I’d say the support of Christian Zionism, even now, is coming to a close (rapture or not). 

I do Christ, not religion. Maybe Christian Zionists should do Christ, not politics! Amen!

And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!