Posts Tagged ‘George Orwell’

Memo to the Criminal Psychopathic Elites: ‘If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It!’ Well Guess What? You Broke It, and Now You Can’t Fix It!

October 25, 2021

Proving once again that psychopaths are also idiots, Kill Bates, Georgie Porgie Poor-os, Toni Fraudci, Creepy Joe and the *uckerberg-ian oligarchs (Tech, Pharma, whatever) and their minions in politics and the media–who were doing just great using the time-honored method of gradualism or incrementalism pushing their satanic “new world order” garbage on We the People—really, really screwed themselves up with this plandemic-vaxx “exercise” they’re trying to push on us ‘little people’! Royally! Even Rome’s most incompetent emperor, Caligula, is rolling over in his grave! So is Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Kim Il Sung, etc. And yes, so are the Pharisees that had Jesus Christ crucified using Romans as proxies! And the Satanists? Maybe they’re licking their chops awaiting their turn to ‘gnash teeth’ on their ‘weeping’ bones–forever.

I research what you criminal psychopaths are doing as well as I can, and let me say this, your method of gradualism or incrementalism worked so well for so long. Gradual destruction of world or national economies, especially after Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard completely right before the OPEC “petro-dollar” “fix.”  Gradual destruction of the environment especially after the first “Earth Day,” from global warming to global cooling to what can now be called whatever “climate change” the destroyers want in order so that “we’ll own nothing and be happy” as the elites plunder nature and everything else…using covid as an excuse to murder millions of minks? Cute, Denmark, cute! Gradual destruction of health, first very slowly, and now as fast as forced transhumanist vaxxes that, as I know darned well, NONE of you psychos have taken! But some of your (witting or unwitting) minions have, just to be ‘an exception to prove the rule’ so to speak, such as a few politicians or athletes or entertainers or even doctors or very wealthy oligarch types. When you make illegal something you know restores health such as Ivermectin, anyone even with half a brain will see you folks are too damned arrogant to even consider doing it the “right way” that worked so well for you before. Destroying humanity….well that is your ultimate goal, no Kill Bates, as you said at that 2010 TedEx Talk?

So, right, blaming it all on white folks is really gonna work! Idiots! Because all any white person with any sense of sanity is doing now is discovering that the Moors and the Berbers—Africans, doncha know–ENSLAVED EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS FOR CENTURIES, that is, WHITES, and that there is a reason southeast Europeans, like Serbs, Croatians, Slovenians, Slovakians, and even Russians are called SLAVS–you know, SLAVES? And just who enslaved them? Ottoman Turks, that is, MUSLIMS! And both enslavers of course were aided by TALMUDIC JEWRY! And you do know the Jews ran the African slave trade as well, correct, since they owned the slave ships? But does it even take that kind of research to convince even some liberal white parents to shove Critical Race Theory up the butts of school boards? You’ve heard of Loudoun County in Virginia, home to mostly liberal white upper-middle-class parents….

And another huge mistake you idiots made: turn We the People, especially white ticket holders, against sports, their “bread and circuses” you introduced to them in order to keep them pacified, by turning sports “woke.” And I won’t even get into the John Gruden thing…I’ll let Jason Whitlock handle that one! (And I am done with the NFL anyway, and my Miami Dolphins fanship…good luck Fins and Flores, because when you had the chance to try to take over the AFC East as Tom Brady left the Patriots, you blew it, and now the Buffalo Bills have done what you could have done! Maybe you should have traded for DeShaun Watson after all! Bwahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahah…because the Christian-hating wokesters would never allow a Christian like Tua to achieve anything, and the NFL has been rigged for decades anyway! Reminder: Tom Brady’s wife, that Giselle supermodel, is a witch, doncha know…that could explain things….). Thank God college football fans are doing their ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ (aka *uck Joe Biden) chanting.

Same goes for that “story hour” garbage… yep, six-year-olds just love to be touched in their you-know-what areas by disgusting-looking (gender pronouners)…boy what a great idea that was!

But that’s not enough…you now go after the Rolling Stones??? Seriously??? Well if anything that might induce Mick and Keith and the rest to stop their quasi-satan-worship (if indeed that is the case after all these years) and download a FREE copy of my novel The Prodigal Band ( and ‘get a clue’ if you know what I mean.

Maybe you idiots should check up on the ‘check privilege’ wokesters who are doing their best to undo whatever you psychos are promoting! And get a hold o’ “Xtinction Rebellion” before they completely blow up your ‘extinction of humanity event’ you’ve been planning (withing plans within plans) for about a hundred years. Did the “plans within plans within plans” work in the trilogy “Dune”? Maybe you should take some time out in your underground bunkers and read that one…because my The Prodigal Band Trilogy is just a wee bit over your pay grade…. Bwahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha!

And how’s this for a lark—Aussie Antifa is protesting that the totalitarian vaxx restrictions don’t go far enough! Now THAT ought to get folks sick and tired of your “peaceful protests” to get the kill shot, and don’t cry me a river when you blame the unvaxxed for killing off all the Aboriginees being given free stuff by taking kill shots that you want to force them to take!

Honestly, idiot elites, you should have stuck with your gradualism. Look at what many American lives were like in the golden years of the 50 and 60s…and the writer on Burning Platform likely expressed this lovely scene better than I could. He cites a writer comparing the world of Huxley’s “Brave New World” to Orwell’s “1984”. From

Neil Postman in his 1985 book Amusing Ourselves to Death compares and contrasts Orwell and Huxley’s views of dystopian tyranny:

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.”

Dumbass elites! Why didn’t you stick to your gradualism scenario? It worked! Period! But noooooo…. You just got so dang-nabbit bored knowing us peasants were “enjoying our slavery” as some would call it, that you figured, well, now is the time to play out the Orwellian scenario…that way, we could inflict all the pain we want at the behest of our lord Satan at his command and get our rocks off on it as some trafficked orphan child sucks on our dicks….or something.

But your plans within plans within plans seem to be going awry. Clearly you want to shut down the world’s economies and what better way to do that than screw up transportation of goods world-wide? So you assign Gavin Grusome to force all trucks off the California roads unless they are three years old or less under some ‘green new deal’ (meaning, green money fiat currency) nonsense at the same time you get him to drain all the river water into the Pacific Ocean…which leads to a massive die-off of salmon. Well, if you could do it to minks… This causes something like 60 cargo vessels…or is it 100 now?…stranded in the Pacific off the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. To heck with all the merchant seamen stuck on those ships for months… And the alternative is to go through the Panama Canal which costs god-knows-what and takes god-know-when to get through headed toward Houston or wherever. Because after all, Texas isn’t Commiefornia. So you pull this crap to shut down economies and oh yeah, get your rocks off on seeing people starve. (And tell me….why would you harvest organs or blood of folks that died from starvation? Gee did that work for Stalin and Co. during the Holodomor? Hmmmm….) So, good for you psychos for achieving your desire to destroy millions of lives. But guess what? When folks face starvation because of lack of goods or lack of income to buy food since you will force all unvaxxed to be fired from jobs (that is, those you don’t lock up in internment camps and starve that way), folks wake up and work on alternative systems, or get desperate enough to perhaps burn your mansions down and raid your own pantries, maybe? Because you may not have time enough to gather up whatever and move to your private islands or bunkers in New Zealand! You do know that it takes a lot of gasoline to fly your private jets thousands of miles to the south Pacific, doncha know…. Or will fed up folks just shoot your jets down with home made rockets? If they can shoot these off from Gaza…

According to the Mathematics Association of America….2 + 2 = 5?

October 11, 2020

According to this link , if you believe 2 + 2 = 4 and ONLY 2+2=4, you are a “white supremacist” or something like that….or something….considering that if you have four people–three blacks or PoCs and one white person….and of course that one white person is a “white supremacist” because all whites are “white supremacists,” right?–then 2 blacks or 2 PoCs added to 1 black person and 1 white person, then 2+2 = 5 since of course that “supremacist” white person is so “supreme” that he or she is 2 people….

Thus, 2+2 = 5.

And wasn’t George Orwell a socialist at one time? Hmmmmmmm…..

So I guess if I was still a HS math teacher, I’d be cancel cultured for believing 2+2 = 4 …

So, here is my opinion of this Mathematical Association of America: you are as “rational” as the square root of two!

Here is another link from RT that makes this notion even more Orwellian…and racist as well!

Why Orwellian? Because unlike social studies, English constructs and other languages as well that always change (and one of these days will be replaced with Ebonics–for blacks only, doncha know) and history (written by the victors, right?) and even science (which is now as empirical as whatever Gil Bates claims is empirical, eh?), MATH IS TRUTH!

Or at least it used to be….