Posts Tagged ‘Mathematical Association of America’

According to the Mathematics Association of America….2 + 2 = 5?

October 11, 2020

According to this link , if you believe 2 + 2 = 4 and ONLY 2+2=4, you are a “white supremacist” or something like that….or something….considering that if you have four people–three blacks or PoCs and one white person….and of course that one white person is a “white supremacist” because all whites are “white supremacists,” right?–then 2 blacks or 2 PoCs added to 1 black person and 1 white person, then 2+2 = 5 since of course that “supremacist” white person is so “supreme” that he or she is 2 people….

Thus, 2+2 = 5.

And wasn’t George Orwell a socialist at one time? Hmmmmmmm…..

So I guess if I was still a HS math teacher, I’d be cancel cultured for believing 2+2 = 4 …

So, here is my opinion of this Mathematical Association of America: you are as “rational” as the square root of two!

Here is another link from RT that makes this notion even more Orwellian…and racist as well!

Why Orwellian? Because unlike social studies, English constructs and other languages as well that always change (and one of these days will be replaced with Ebonics–for blacks only, doncha know) and history (written by the victors, right?) and even science (which is now as empirical as whatever Gil Bates claims is empirical, eh?), MATH IS TRUTH!

Or at least it used to be….