Posts Tagged ‘Big Pharma’

If Hollywood Still Has Any Integrity At All, They Will Pull a ‘Syriana’ On the Now Fully Corrupted-Big Pharma Owned ‘Medical Industrial Complex’

December 30, 2021

One of the most truth-telling movies made over the last twenty years, Syriana, was released four years after 9-11, and it exposes perhaps like no other Hollywood-made movie the utter corruption of the Pertoleum Industry in cahoots with the CIA-Military Industrial Complex-Homeland Security and the ‘royal’ mammon-above-all governments of the Arab-Iranian Middle East with their ties to supposed terrorism (you know, 9-11 stuff) where honest governments simply cannot exist because there is so much money to be made and to hell with their peoples (and foreign oil workers who are treated like slaves… you do remember the FIFA controversy with slaves from mostly Pakistan building their stadium to house the World Cup several years ago in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai I think).

Well YouTube has it as a free to watch movie with ads. It is a little over two hours long and stars George Clooney and Matt Damon (and while I tend to boycott woke actors, this movie really is a must-watch).

So I have an idea I hope Hollywood adapts in, say, four years from the beginning of the ‘covid-19 plandemic’–say, in 2024… if the world survives to that point, that is.

Since ‘Syriana’ sounds a lot like the name Syria, an Arab Middle East nation, maybe they can call this ‘plandemic’ movie ‘Coviana’ or something!

Now more and more folks are waking up to the ‘Build Back Better’-‘Own Nothing and Be Happy’ ‘Great Reset’ scam the criminal psycho elites are pulling to the point where ‘president’ Biden (sorry, I cannot call this psycho President! And I am NOT a Trump Supporter either!) is saying on video that there is nothing the Federal government can do to stop Covid and is supposedly leaving it up to the states to ‘fix’ a ‘plandemic’ that is based on a cornacopia of false data if it even exists outside a seasonal flu or common cold. Next thing you know FRAUDci will say ‘covid’ is over with but you still need to wear a mask and get ‘vaccinated’ with a ‘vaccine’ that the CDC changed the definition of a year or so ago (so that ‘vaccines’ no longer provide immunity like they used to, but just ‘alleviate symptoms.’ Right. When you get the ‘kill shot’ your ‘symptoms’ will definitely go away if you know what I mean…into the grave!)

Here  is a link to a post showing the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine. And here is another link to a PDF document showing the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine. The Hagmann Report also has a video/podcast with this information here. I will let the reader figure out why the CDC suddenly changed the definition of a vaccine around the time these covid ‘vaccines’ were being created…. hmmmmm….

But will Hollywood, so in bed with the devil if you know what I mean, actually consider making a movie exposing the evil of this so-called manufactured ‘pandemic’ (and will China allow Hollywood to set part of it in Wuhan? And who wil play “mister-gain-of-function-research-overseer,’ Tony ol’ Fraud, or his sponsor, that genius tech-oligarch foundation owner and controller of GAVI…you know who I mean). Well, since Hollywood is losing millions due to the fact that movie theaters demand all movie-goers are ‘vaxxed’ or ‘wear a mask’ for two hours as viewers continue to breathe in their own CO2… Maybe they can get all that money back by creating a movie which will likely become a blockbuster, even if Big Pharma and Big Tech try to ‘cancel culture’ it! Because no matter how hard the woke-tards try to bury the truth, the truth cannot be cancelled!

And besides, what are the odds that Mr. Woke, Gavin Grusome, er…Newsome… will still be governor of the state Hollywood is located in? Because even with all the sane individuals and families leaving Commiefornia, there will still be enough sanity to get this you-know-what out of office…well, maybe… in 2024, if not 2022.

Note: Hopefully in a few days I will post my final word about Covidianism, Wokeism, Trumptardism, and the rest of the insanity, because at some point I need to move on to, say, parallel structures opposing the bogus ‘Great Reset.’ Or something else…

UPDATE: Not only has the CDC changed the definition of vaccine, they have now changed the definition of vaccinated! Read about that here!

Why the Vaxx Mandates? My Opinion…

September 28, 2021

Sorry for the lack of posts over the past couple of months but before I can post I have to know what to post about, considering I am no expert on much of what’s happening now especially with this “great reset” crapola, or vaccines or covid or whatever crapola the criminal psycho elites are trying to bring about…their “plans within plans” (Dune-style or not). Oh, and BTW, things are pretty “normal” out here in my neck of the woods, rural remote far west Texas, where the deer and antelope (and mountain lions and javelinas and bears, oh my!) play.

I could also post a ton of links to truther articles about this “you’ll own nothing and be happy” garbage, but do your own research. Who knows? Maybe some of these links provide false or fearmongering information, because there could be a nefarious agenda in play. Hopium, that sort of thing. And one thing folks should do some research on is the notion of parallel structures, because if this ‘great reset’ crap comes into play for real, alternative structures, mostly for local living, might be a good idea–and would these work in large cities? Not everyone can move to a rural remote community!

So here is why I am legitimately questioning vaccine mandates, when vaccine mandates have never existed in the US before. Note: If you want the vaxx, fine, go get it. If you already have gotten both doses or whatever, fine, hopefully they didn’t cause injury or harm. Getting the vaxx ought to be up to the person, and no one should be forced to “convinced” (using bully tactics) to get the vaxx for any reason. And it is the forcing or bully tactics that are likely causing many to NOT get the vaxx! But the govt.’s gonna do what the govt.’s gonna do, right?

So, consider:

  1. Why does Biden want to force all Americans to get the vaxx when all the illegals he’s letting in DO NOT HAVE TO GET THE VAXX? This crapola alone ought to wake folks up!
  2. Why do Democrat governors like Cuomo…sorry, whathername (who now claims she’s Christ in some video to a megachurch in New York state, that is, her “apostles”!)….and Gavin Grusome and the rest of the jokers (sorry, “wokers”) want to force everyone in their states to get the vaxx when they themselves do not even follow their own mandates? You know, Newsome at that restaurant with his elite friends and not a one of them wore masks?
  3. Why has the CDC and FDA made Ivermectin illegal? And it’s not because it’s a horse medicine. And that HCQ…sorry, it’s too hard to spell out, but you know what I mean…as well.
  4. Why did Biden lie through his teeth stating during election season last year he’d never mandate vaccines? That could be one reason he “won” the (s)election….lying to the voters.
  5. Why is Congress and aids there NOT part of the mandate, and also the Post Office workers? Because they’re not part of the “executive branch”? Gimme a break!
  6. Why are employees at Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and other medical oligarchies NOT required to get vaxxed? I mean, I’d say they have a whole lot more than 100 employees!
  7. Why, creepy Joe, is your “patience wearing thin” with those who are un-vaxxed, when the American people’s “patience is wearing thin” with your abandonment of Americans, including families and children, in Afghanistan…oh, and your importing possible terrorists, human traffickers, possible jihadi-type religious extremists from that country you abandoned to those same extremists, and now you want to house them in blue states…and you do know some Fort Bliss (El Paso) female soldier got attacked by some Afghan “refugee”… but that’s okay, since you abandoned other soldiers in that country as well.
  8. Same with those Haitians you left under a bridge in Del Rio… inviting a load of them to invade Texas and other states, pretending you brought them back to Haiti! And you didn’t check a one of them living in squalor for covid, or vaxx them either! But you want all Americans vaxxed… when VEARS stats seem to indicate these vaxxes don’t even work…just “alleviate symptoms.”
  9. Why are you mandating vaxxes for all companies over 100 employees when even prior to that folks were quitting employments for various hospitals and clinics and food makers and product makers and all sorts of productive employments including transportation of these products when you should have figured out (I mean, come on, man, as you love to say, you do still have a functioning brain…hmmmmm…maybe not!) that forcing these vaxxes would more and more likely shut down the American economy at the same time your Pelosian buddies are trying to keep the govt. open with funding knowing Republicans (RINO or not) won’t go for it…I mean, come on, man, you got like three more days until September 30! Sheesh! Does shut down the govt. mean also shut down the US economy…oh, and just who is gonna supply all the “universal basic income” you want everyone to get so they are totally dependent on a govt. that has shut down the economy and everything else? Do you need Phony Phauci do answer that? Or is it Kill Bates on line one?
  10. Or am I wrong, and the real reason you are trying to force everyone to get vaxxed is because you want to know exactly who is NOT VAXXED, who cannot be “contact traced” and “QR coded” and (if those so-called “mark of the beast chips” are really in the vaxxes as some claim) “vaxx passported” into your totally bogus “freedom” agenda…and how “free” are those folks you left behind in Afghanistan? Hmmmmm….

Supposedly, Biden and his minions in the military exchanged some Afghan Taliban or whatever terrorist for some Americans a while back which helped set up the crapola there now. So how’se about this one, Joe ol’ creep–let We the People exchange you and your minions for freedom-loving Aussies being beaten by cops aka thugs for no reason, and that way, you can live in your distatorial paradise called Australia that Morrison and Co. are setting up…or would you prefer Antarctica?


You can consider this satire, but honestly, my own “patience” is…you know….

About that “Cyber Pandemic”…Are the Criminal Psycho Elites Already ‘Changing the Narrative’?

December 19, 2020

Proving when it comes to the criminal psycho elites that the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, they are instituting some sort of cyber outage “fear mongering” “I can’t turn on my Google personal assistant and can’t check my gmail” crapola right around the time Klaus cotton Schwab is forcing “the Great Reset” on us…meet the great reset, same as the old reset (with apologies to The Who).

Cute Schwabbie, cute…so how the heck are you gonna institute that “great reset” where human meets AI when Team B of your operatives are trying to shut down the internet of things? I mean, if some Google personal assistant or Amazon’s whatever-the-heck-her-name-is…well, it ain’t Siri I know that much…won’t work because some software company’s cyber tools got hacked….

I mean, Klaussie…okay, okay, Christmas is coming, I’ll call you ‘Claus-sey’–and whatever you do do NOT mess with Rudolf! His nose being so bright he’ll blind you in a heartbeat, unless Dancer and Prancer get to you first!–okay, Claus-sey, just how are you gonna do a “Pinky and the Brain” “try to take over the world” if your transhuman-AI bot inside you can’t work because someone shut off your 5G antenna and forces you to “Seig Heil” and you can’t even raise your arm in a nazi-like salute to your god Satan…okay, okay, your god AI represented in transhuman form by Gil Bates if you know what I mean…

So how are you and Bates and Bozo and F**kerberg and the rest of the AI enhanced robo-craps gonna take over the world if AI is turned off and IoT won’t work because you blew it?

Now let’s see, what you are saying is “well, our covid BS is not quite working the way it was a few months ago and even folks are waking up to fake vaccine” seeing videos here and  here and then there is the head of Pfizer refusing to take vaccine because he knows maybe it changes one’s DNA using mRNA maybe, and then you have a Moderna vaccine whistleblower saying the vaccine causes infertility? And then you have fake shots (maybe) being taken by Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence….now why would Pelosi and Pence take shots on TV other than to convince folks who are (rightly) skeptical about the hardly tested vaccines to take the vaccine anyway…No jab no job they say. Well, Claus-sey, DNA changing “vaccine” or not, unless that “vaccine” is proven safe, I’m not taking the “vaccine” even if it means the robbers known as government steal away my rightfully entitled (since I paid into it) Social Security and Medicare. Because if it does change my DNA then what God created to be me is no longer His creation but is hybrid-human. Isn’t there a passage in the Bible about God would have all MANKIND to be saved? I’ll let the reader figure out the rest of this….

So the internet grid goes down due to hacks and whatever….EMP attacks maybe?…and then all the IoTs and cyber surveillance goes down and your “Five Eyes” CIA-Mossad-MI-6-whatever spies can’t read folks’s minds anymore and cyber transportation and cameras and “social credit score” apps stop working and folks can’t get back into, or leave, their stack ‘n packs in the now Stupid Cities….and guess what, Claus-sey? Your hybrid human bots can’t fix the damned thing because they are too stupid to know how to fix something that the God you hate as does your god Satan hate is in control and won’t let hybrid humans do anything but screw themselves over and want to have sex with cyber dogs….

So, think about Claus-sey….you want an AI-transhuman-run Great Reset on the one hand and Cyber Pandemics on the other? Yes, losing internet does cause anxiety and even fear for those who spend their lives nearly 24/7 with their smart phones apps and only visit others on ZOOM. Because even for these–I mean, they do have lives to live right?–if the internet goes down too often due to software hacks by your Team B, even these quasi-zombified folks will adapt. You want us to “adapt” to the “new normal”?

Maybe you insane “do the same thing over and over expecting different results” criminal psycho elites should adapt to a real new normal–HUMANITY! Try it! You’ll like it…well some of you elites will…the rest are irredeemable I guess. And for those who are irredeemable, enjoy being in the Outer Darkness where, as Jesus Christ Himself said, “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Here is a link to a post on Henry Makow’s site about this “dark winter cyber pandemic” that also features a good video by IceAgeFarmer (I’d post the link but the video will also show up…CASE Act and all), and here is another link about “cyber wars.” So I’m not just making all this up.

Maybe instead of a “new normal” it might be a good idea to get back to some “old normal” where folks actually had to make things and fix things and learn skills like auto repair and plumbing and carpentry and sewing and reading from real books and cooking on wood stoves and growing veggies and hunting and fishing and doing math in their heads…no electric, no computers…and you know, old school stuff? Stuff these psycho tech oligarchs couldn’t perform if they were paid a zillion dollars to perform…heck do they even wipe their butts after they crap in the toilet? Bwahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhah!