Posts Tagged ‘New Normal’

About that “Cyber Pandemic”…Are the Criminal Psycho Elites Already ‘Changing the Narrative’?

December 19, 2020

Proving when it comes to the criminal psycho elites that the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, they are instituting some sort of cyber outage “fear mongering” “I can’t turn on my Google personal assistant and can’t check my gmail” crapola right around the time Klaus cotton Schwab is forcing “the Great Reset” on us…meet the great reset, same as the old reset (with apologies to The Who).

Cute Schwabbie, cute…so how the heck are you gonna institute that “great reset” where human meets AI when Team B of your operatives are trying to shut down the internet of things? I mean, if some Google personal assistant or Amazon’s whatever-the-heck-her-name-is…well, it ain’t Siri I know that much…won’t work because some software company’s cyber tools got hacked….

I mean, Klaussie…okay, okay, Christmas is coming, I’ll call you ‘Claus-sey’–and whatever you do do NOT mess with Rudolf! His nose being so bright he’ll blind you in a heartbeat, unless Dancer and Prancer get to you first!–okay, Claus-sey, just how are you gonna do a “Pinky and the Brain” “try to take over the world” if your transhuman-AI bot inside you can’t work because someone shut off your 5G antenna and forces you to “Seig Heil” and you can’t even raise your arm in a nazi-like salute to your god Satan…okay, okay, your god AI represented in transhuman form by Gil Bates if you know what I mean…

So how are you and Bates and Bozo and F**kerberg and the rest of the AI enhanced robo-craps gonna take over the world if AI is turned off and IoT won’t work because you blew it?

Now let’s see, what you are saying is “well, our covid BS is not quite working the way it was a few months ago and even folks are waking up to fake vaccine” seeing videos here and  here and then there is the head of Pfizer refusing to take vaccine because he knows maybe it changes one’s DNA using mRNA maybe, and then you have a Moderna vaccine whistleblower saying the vaccine causes infertility? And then you have fake shots (maybe) being taken by Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence….now why would Pelosi and Pence take shots on TV other than to convince folks who are (rightly) skeptical about the hardly tested vaccines to take the vaccine anyway…No jab no job they say. Well, Claus-sey, DNA changing “vaccine” or not, unless that “vaccine” is proven safe, I’m not taking the “vaccine” even if it means the robbers known as government steal away my rightfully entitled (since I paid into it) Social Security and Medicare. Because if it does change my DNA then what God created to be me is no longer His creation but is hybrid-human. Isn’t there a passage in the Bible about God would have all MANKIND to be saved? I’ll let the reader figure out the rest of this….

So the internet grid goes down due to hacks and whatever….EMP attacks maybe?…and then all the IoTs and cyber surveillance goes down and your “Five Eyes” CIA-Mossad-MI-6-whatever spies can’t read folks’s minds anymore and cyber transportation and cameras and “social credit score” apps stop working and folks can’t get back into, or leave, their stack ‘n packs in the now Stupid Cities….and guess what, Claus-sey? Your hybrid human bots can’t fix the damned thing because they are too stupid to know how to fix something that the God you hate as does your god Satan hate is in control and won’t let hybrid humans do anything but screw themselves over and want to have sex with cyber dogs….

So, think about Claus-sey….you want an AI-transhuman-run Great Reset on the one hand and Cyber Pandemics on the other? Yes, losing internet does cause anxiety and even fear for those who spend their lives nearly 24/7 with their smart phones apps and only visit others on ZOOM. Because even for these–I mean, they do have lives to live right?–if the internet goes down too often due to software hacks by your Team B, even these quasi-zombified folks will adapt. You want us to “adapt” to the “new normal”?

Maybe you insane “do the same thing over and over expecting different results” criminal psycho elites should adapt to a real new normal–HUMANITY! Try it! You’ll like it…well some of you elites will…the rest are irredeemable I guess. And for those who are irredeemable, enjoy being in the Outer Darkness where, as Jesus Christ Himself said, “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Here is a link to a post on Henry Makow’s site about this “dark winter cyber pandemic” that also features a good video by IceAgeFarmer (I’d post the link but the video will also show up…CASE Act and all), and here is another link about “cyber wars.” So I’m not just making all this up.

Maybe instead of a “new normal” it might be a good idea to get back to some “old normal” where folks actually had to make things and fix things and learn skills like auto repair and plumbing and carpentry and sewing and reading from real books and cooking on wood stoves and growing veggies and hunting and fishing and doing math in their heads…no electric, no computers…and you know, old school stuff? Stuff these psycho tech oligarchs couldn’t perform if they were paid a zillion dollars to perform…heck do they even wipe their butts after they crap in the toilet? Bwahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhah!

Obsolete Woman Post Three: Repost from Blogger

September 13, 2020

Why Is This Blog Called “Obsolete Woman”?

First off the name “Obsolete Woman” is based on one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes ever, “Obsolete Man,” starring Burgess Meredith as the “obsolete” librarian in a totalitarian police state where books have been banned and this libraries are obsolete, so that librarians are obsolete. Thus, “the state” as their god decide that the character Wordsworth (appropriate name!) is an obsolete man and thus must die–except he gets to choose how he dies. Isn’t that nice of them!

Here are links to snippets of this episode:

Obsolete Man 5 minute summation beginning to end

Obsolete Man intro and beginning

So a librarian is ‘obsolete’ because libraries are because books are.

Well, I am an author and self-publisher of novels about a rock band that overcomes evil in the music business and elsewhere. So not only would ‘the state’ in the Twilight Zone episode consider me ‘obsolete’ for being an author but also for being a publisher.

And in this world of rap and hip-hop being the kings of the popular music culture, writing about a fictitious rock band also makes me ‘obsolete’! Because rock music is also ‘obsolete.’ (Except it still rules in Europe even now and is likely gaining rule in Asia as well. My daughter’s fave rock band, The GazattE, is Japanese.)

And since rock is ‘obsolete’ while rap and hip-hop rule, is ti because rap and hip-hop is black while rock is white? When you have Hollywood producers claiming only ‘people of color’ will get starring roles in movies and TV shows, it sure looks as if white or European culture is being ‘cancelled.’ Even Hollywood minions admit this! So if white men are ‘obsolete’ in Hollywood, white men are ‘obsolete’ in the popular music business as well. and since rock music is dominate by whites, rock music is ‘obsolete’ as well.

Oh, and I am white….which makes me sorta obsolete as well. Plus, I live in a rural remote area surrounded by nature. So that when Agenda 2030 comes into place in this (less than 100 miles from the Mexican border) “Constitution-free Zone” drummed up by Bill Clinton in the latter 90s, I guess they (“the god known as the state”) will force us all off our properties (without compensation of course….if the black supremacists running South Africa can do it….) into “stack ‘n packs’ or FEMA Camps, whatever….or they will just hand Texas back to Mexico. After all, Oklahoma was just handed back to the Creek, Cherokee, and three other Native American tribes…well, half of it was anyway.

And what else makes me ‘obsolete’? My belief on Jesus Christ. The Noahiders will make sure I really do become ‘obsolete’! If you don’t know what Noahide is, go to the Talmudic Jewry site of the Chabad Lubavitch and check it out…and in the meantime, check out Tractate Gitten 57a within the Talmud and what it says about Christ “burning in Hell in his own hot excrement for eternity.” Or words to that effect.

Finally, I will not bend down in front of BLM and kiss their feet and apologize for something I never had any part in (slavery of African-Americans) while also being a Scots-Irish descendant of indentured servants.Read Kurt Nimmo’s explanation about Scots and Irish indentured servitude here.
And if that’s not enough to convince you that there is no excuse for whites paying reparations to blacks, this video explains it all. The name of the video is “White Trash.”

Which is exactly what BLM thinks of all whites (who don’t bow down to them, that is.)

Oh, and calling myself  “obsolete” is just a way for me to say I am not going along with the planned “new normal” “cancel culture” “blame whitey for everything” nonsense! Or the mask-to-chip-to-AI-losing my humanity Gill Bates crapola either!

Choose freedom over slavery! Choose Good over evil! Choose whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Straight outta the Book of Joshua (24:15). Look it up. (KJV, copyright-free version).