Posts Tagged ‘Racism’

Memo to All American Whites: Here is How You Get Over Your “White Guilt”!

February 8, 2021

Whether you think Trump or Biden should be president does not matter, because too damned many whites are falling for the same BS whites for likely centuries here in the US have fallen for in a couple of ways:

One, you have bought into the “white privilege” crapola handed down to you by college professors who in order to keep their high paying jobs must push the “white privilege” crapola handed down to them from “on high”–foundations, philanthropies, and NGOs that fund them, led by members of the criminal psycho elites that couldn’t care less about these brainwashed professors. That is, you have bought into lies, because that’s all the criminal psycho elites know how to spout. They tell the truth every now and then because their god, Satan, requires it.

Two, you have bought into the “white fragility” garbage because that book is a best seller–for a reason, of course. if  “Intellectual” whites actually had a spine this book never even would have been written! And why are these whites “fragile”? Robin DeAngelo (spelling?) got that one right; these “upper middle class” and upper class whites ARE fragile because to remain upper class or upper middle class with their college or upper management jobs, they must show their fragility and God forbid they actually had to do real work, the work non-fragile whites do, you know, like cleaning and cooking and fixing stuff. Again, brainwashed.

Three, you have bought into the “white supremacy” utter nonsense because you allowed yourselves to buy into it because you are a helluva lot more afraid of the growing number of Black Supremacists (or, if Christian, Black Hebrew Israelites…talk about a cult!) and criminals in Antifa, and, yes, the Not Fluffy Around Crew (NFACs, who by the way have a habit of shooting each other in Louisville….Bwahahahahahahahahah!)–what a joke these idiots are, supposedly were in the military? I guess the military is now made up of soy boys…. Well, you’re more afraid of black supremacists than actual white supremacists…yes there are still a few of those but don’t worry unless you live in northern Idaho….Bwahahahahahahahahahahahah! and of course you allow CNN, Rachel MadCow and others in the Bolshevik Media to turn you into cowards and self-hating whites. Note: Yep, self-hating whites, because I guess there aren’t enough ‘self-hating Jews’ to go around.

Four, your “white guilt”…. Even I had “white guilt” back in the 70s when I did in fact “bend over backwards” for blacks on occasion. Until one day when I was exiting a liquor store buying something for my employer (an old man with a wife who had a stroke so she couldn’t walk on her own; I was a home health aide then)…I was exiting as a black man was entering, and he nearly hit me in the head with the door and when I complained he called me ‘racist.’ So yes, that I reckon has happened to you guilt-laden whites, and you took it to heart and feel guilty of racism. So what’s it gonna take for you to get over it? Get beat up by a black thug, knowing if you live in a Democrat-run large city the cops won’t do anything to help you? Get raped by a gang of black thugs knowing the court system will side with the thugs so they can show their ‘white privilege’? Have a black thug or thugs murder your child who is just riding a bike on his lawn? What’s it gonna take?

It might just take proof that ‘white privilege’ and ‘white supremacy’ and ‘white fragility’ and ‘white guilt’ is total BS pushed by those who hate whites and especially white Christians (need I even imply who the guilty parties are? I’ll let you figure this out…just leave out assimilated Jews, okay? They are NOT the guilty party here! They are also being used–by the guilty party! I pray to my Lord and Savior Christ these folks finally figure this out one day!)

So, to help you out here so you can finally know ‘white guilt’ is garbage, please click on these links below:

Setting the Record Straight: White Europeans were Traded as Slaves for Centuries

Video Lecture on History in USA-“White Trash”, about the fact that being white in the USA was never a privilege, Appalachian poor white

Appalachian whites, Scots-Irish

More videos on book “White Trash,” a history of whites in USA

Hopefully, these links will help you get over your guilt over being born white, which you had no say over, and hopefully, you will do the smart thing and leave the big cities so you won’t get beat up or killed by black thugs, who have nothing else better to do than take out their frustrations on innocent whites who never owned slaves.

And,, if you are a black supremacist reading this–check your privilege! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

Obsolete Woman Post Three: Repost from Blogger

September 13, 2020

Why Is This Blog Called “Obsolete Woman”?

First off the name “Obsolete Woman” is based on one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes ever, “Obsolete Man,” starring Burgess Meredith as the “obsolete” librarian in a totalitarian police state where books have been banned and this libraries are obsolete, so that librarians are obsolete. Thus, “the state” as their god decide that the character Wordsworth (appropriate name!) is an obsolete man and thus must die–except he gets to choose how he dies. Isn’t that nice of them!

Here are links to snippets of this episode:

Obsolete Man 5 minute summation beginning to end

Obsolete Man intro and beginning

So a librarian is ‘obsolete’ because libraries are because books are.

Well, I am an author and self-publisher of novels about a rock band that overcomes evil in the music business and elsewhere. So not only would ‘the state’ in the Twilight Zone episode consider me ‘obsolete’ for being an author but also for being a publisher.

And in this world of rap and hip-hop being the kings of the popular music culture, writing about a fictitious rock band also makes me ‘obsolete’! Because rock music is also ‘obsolete.’ (Except it still rules in Europe even now and is likely gaining rule in Asia as well. My daughter’s fave rock band, The GazattE, is Japanese.)

And since rock is ‘obsolete’ while rap and hip-hop rule, is ti because rap and hip-hop is black while rock is white? When you have Hollywood producers claiming only ‘people of color’ will get starring roles in movies and TV shows, it sure looks as if white or European culture is being ‘cancelled.’ Even Hollywood minions admit this! So if white men are ‘obsolete’ in Hollywood, white men are ‘obsolete’ in the popular music business as well. and since rock music is dominate by whites, rock music is ‘obsolete’ as well.

Oh, and I am white….which makes me sorta obsolete as well. Plus, I live in a rural remote area surrounded by nature. So that when Agenda 2030 comes into place in this (less than 100 miles from the Mexican border) “Constitution-free Zone” drummed up by Bill Clinton in the latter 90s, I guess they (“the god known as the state”) will force us all off our properties (without compensation of course….if the black supremacists running South Africa can do it….) into “stack ‘n packs’ or FEMA Camps, whatever….or they will just hand Texas back to Mexico. After all, Oklahoma was just handed back to the Creek, Cherokee, and three other Native American tribes…well, half of it was anyway.

And what else makes me ‘obsolete’? My belief on Jesus Christ. The Noahiders will make sure I really do become ‘obsolete’! If you don’t know what Noahide is, go to the Talmudic Jewry site of the Chabad Lubavitch and check it out…and in the meantime, check out Tractate Gitten 57a within the Talmud and what it says about Christ “burning in Hell in his own hot excrement for eternity.” Or words to that effect.

Finally, I will not bend down in front of BLM and kiss their feet and apologize for something I never had any part in (slavery of African-Americans) while also being a Scots-Irish descendant of indentured servants.Read Kurt Nimmo’s explanation about Scots and Irish indentured servitude here.
And if that’s not enough to convince you that there is no excuse for whites paying reparations to blacks, this video explains it all. The name of the video is “White Trash.”

Which is exactly what BLM thinks of all whites (who don’t bow down to them, that is.)

Oh, and calling myself  “obsolete” is just a way for me to say I am not going along with the planned “new normal” “cancel culture” “blame whitey for everything” nonsense! Or the mask-to-chip-to-AI-losing my humanity Gill Bates crapola either!

Choose freedom over slavery! Choose Good over evil! Choose whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Straight outta the Book of Joshua (24:15). Look it up. (KJV, copyright-free version).