Posts Tagged ‘Vaccines’

MSM and Alt-Media Regarding Covid-Vaccine Truth: So Which Is It?

July 27, 2021

I have spent the last couple of months watching videos on various platforms about the efficacy of the various Covid-19 “vaccines,” mRNA or not, and about if Covid is real or a bioweapon and where did it come from, from the usual idiots “narrative-speaking” on various MSM media channels and from those that claim to speak the truth on alt-media channels and sound like they know what they are talking about because this doctor involved with creating the virus or the vaccine says the covid and vaccine are actually dastardly things to cull the population and so on. “Mark of the Beast” stuff.

Now we know the MSM is just spouting “the narrative” and is seeking to cajole or bully everyone into taking these “vaccines” helped out by has-been celebrities like Foo Fighters or LeBron James or Geraldo Rivera. (Thank God for Eric Clapton, who took the jab, got screwed over by it, and is truth-telling and won’t perform before vaxxed-only customers!) And “president” Biden (sorry, folks, I just can’t call this dude a legit President!) is telling a town hall meeting featuring Don Lemon-head (who is worse? him or Rachel MadCow?) where you’d think his teleprompter is off in another dimension he’s gibber-gabbering like some dude with dementia (and now we have some senator wanting to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove this dude…and then we get Commie Kammy??? Cute, kiddo, cute!) So as we all know the MSM lies through it’s teeth, no more about this. Moving on to the alternative media….

Is the alternative media, which for the most part is anti-vax and thinks it knows everything about covid, from its reason for existence being to implement “the great reset” or to cull the population Georgia-guidestones style or to turn us all into AI robots as part of “the borg” so to speak…. But is the alternative media telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God?

Not the whole truth, because they in their separate news channels and video channels and so on are not exactly in sync. You have that Fifth Column group of doctors in Spain saying (despite what Pfizer and Moderna claim) there is no mRNA in those vaccines, but it’s all graphene oxide. So if this is true, then why would Pfizer and Moderna say there is mRNA in their “vaccines”? And if this is true, then (since pix of graphene oxide show a blackish coloration) why are those vaccines light-colored? And several anti-vax medical folks have refuted this claim. But what if those Spanish dudes are correct after all? And what if they are spouting nonsense?

Then you have anti-vaxxers of all types within the medical field saying the “vaccines” create sterilizations and thrombosis and heart conditions and trauma of various kinds and Bell’s Palsey, etc., as can be seen on videos all over the place (just check out various alt-news or alt-health sites and I am sure one can click on links to various “vaccine effect” videos of folks shaking and unable to walk or keep their hands straight or their mouths, etc.). Many of these videos I’ve seen and even some on YouTube (which is in censorship mode like crazy these days) but also Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, etc. (Odysee is really good for slow internet connections like I have in the rural remote; Rumble is terrible!) have lots of these vids created seemingly on TikTok. But here is my question–are these videos real?

And I know what you are thinking…how dare I question the possibility that some of these videos, and maybe most of them, are just acting? Maybe they are, folks…think about it. Hopefully, they are real because folks and especially young folks watching these videos will convince themselves not to get the “vaccine.” Why do I think they should not get the “vaccine”? Because they DON’T NEED THE “VACCINE”!

One, the CDC has just cancelled the PCR Test because most Americans anyway already know they mostly produce false positives. Its inventor, Karry Mullis, claimed many months ago this test WILL NOT DIAGNOSE COVID! Two, the way covid numbers where rigged what with hospitals having to claim patients had covid and were in there because of covid when that was nonsense and they were in there for accidents or heart attacks or cancer or whatever….they were in there “because of covid” only for the money when “covid” was the reason the patients were in the hospitals. Three, because too many folks are reporting to VAERS of the CDC that the “vaccines” have various side effects, some of which I mentioned above.

Screw the “Delta/Epsilon/Lamda/whatever Variants”! If it truly is a virus, it’s going to do what virus’s do–mutate into “variants.” Oh, and didn’t the CDC or whatever authority claim the “vaccines” do not work on these variants?

In a previous post I told the truth about the fact that FEAR, the “mind killer,” is what drives folks to follow the narrative and get the jab. Or continue to wear masks outdoors or rat out neighbors who hug neighbors without masks, etc. Or perhaps for money or favors report folks who they believe are un-vaxxed to the “authorities” (and how is the “door to door” vaxx program working out, Joe ol’ boy?).

But what if it is true also that FEAR of the vaxxed, FEAR of getting vaxxed, or FEAR of totalitarianism-from-the-great-reset-elites-as-if-there-is-no-alternative is also at play here. In other words, are We the People being played by BOTH SIDES???

Here is why I think this “being played by both sides” is a valid statement worthy of truth seeking:

One, about half of everyone I know out here (and various other loved ones) has been “vaccinated” with Moderna, the “vaccine” of choice in an area that lacks storage facilities that can store, say, the Pfizer “vaccine” at minus 70 Celsius. And guess what? NO ADVERSE REACTIONS other than pain at the jab site or headaches or drowsiness, for a day or so. Nothing like what can be seen in those TikTok videos. Most of the folks who got the jab were between ages 40 and 70. Some had serious co-morbidities like COPD or previous blood clots and had to take Eliquis for them. A couple of these folks use inhalers as well. Some were young and had no health issues. Some are health workers. Again, NO ADVERSE REACTIONS other than what many would get taking a regular flu shot.

Which, as I had previously speculated, could mean that Moderna has a “safer” version of the jab for certain folks and a more “unsafe” versionn for other folks… But I have no proof of this. So, if indeed everyone I know who took the jab got the exact same version of the Moderna jab and none of these folks reported (or could be seen to have) adverse reactions except for mild ones, then is the Moderna “vaccine” deadly or poisonous or “changing ones DNA” or “cytokine storming their immunity with garbage spike proteins” or what? And can the same thing be said about the Pfizer or J&J or AstraZeneca or SinoVac or Sputnik or whatever version of these covid “vaccines”?

So, what is the truth of it? Because I have this suspicious mindset, because I want no FEAR in my life, and I want the truth, and folks, that means I must question everything, even things spouted by sites that are most likely to tell the truth. Because folks, NO ONE KNOWS THE WHOLE TRUTH OF IT. Because God is in control, not man! So I simply cannot take every word of every “vaccine truther” out there as absolute truth.

And a final reason. While covid-fear-crapola and “vaccine” propaganda are the biggest plays on the world stage these days and the reaction to them including world-wide protests and the non-compliance that goes with it, is these staging scenarios keeping We the People from seeing other very serious and evil plans being carried out? Such as…

Why are Europe and China and other places being annihilated by floods? Just as why is the northwest and central upper peninsula areas of the USA–where wheat and corn and cattle and lumber and whatnot is king so to speak–in the super duper drought the likes of which one might expect in the deserts of far west Texas and Arizona, NOT IN North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon (home of that Boot Leg Fire of many hundreds of thousands of acres of mostly forest), and also that “heat dome” especially in Canada! Yep, it’s hotter at the 50th parallel than here are the 30th! Just what the heck is going on??? Oh, and while North Dakota is drying up, far west desert-mountain Texas has had more rain in three weeks than in the previous 15 months?? (According to some weather site stats anyway). And all those supply chain stoppages… Just check out one of my fave channels, Ice Age Farmer. This Christian dude (that’s his name, okay?) has been a shining light of (very likely) truth, for me anyway. And why is Africa (again) being hit by huge swarms of locusts? Geoengineering? Are “directed energy weapons” a real thing? Does Deborah Tavares, the DEW lady, know something we don’t, or is she just seeking attention? Who knows, and these stories need more investigation for truth. Truth is really all that matters. Because IMHO both sides are exploiting FEAR.

And what about other issues that seemingly have disappeared from the truthseeking eyes? Has the notion of Noahide, where Talmudic Jewry will “decapitate” all true believers on Christ, suddenly disappeared because now in Israel that country is being hammered by covid vaccine deaths and injuries (and “vaccines” are now mandatory…or is God just cursing Israel because Benny boy got replaced?). Has the notion of the supposed “Chinese and Russian invasion of the US” just gone MadCow-d? Now the climatic scenarios of the Grand Solar Minimum (which, doncha know, is likely causing at least a good part of the crazy weather the Earth is having, and geoengineering and DEWs are just an excuse?) have suddenly gone ‘under the weather’? Now the trillion dollar/Euro/Yen/Yuan/whatever currency market and world wide economies are no longer important even though much of that is what the ‘great reset’ is based on, is being cancelled? Or are the moneyed elites just eating each other over it? And speaking of the ‘great reset,’ is covid and vaccines just a distraction from the notion so many hold that we’ll be forced to “own nothing and be happy’ eating bugs or meal worms or fake meat because that is why Kill Bates and China are buying all this USA farm land, on top of Black Rock buying all houses and rentals for sale…etc. And did I miss anything here? Oh yeah…”wokeness”….. But I’ll leave that to blacks with critial thinking skills, not “critical race theory,” to do a number on “the woke.” Again, YouTube and other platforms are loaded with blacks and others annihilating this racist garbage!

So I will end this screed by saying this: truly truth seek! And not just about covid and “vaccines” either, because more than those issues are at stake here! And where did I get the notion that we are being played by both sides? This article up on Makow’s site posted July 26, 2021 is a start, and it is very interesting… Here is the link:

Synarchism: The “Right” is Also Under Satanist Control

And here is another Makow very interesting link:

Prominent Anti-Vaxxers Have Occult Links

Fear Really Is the Mind Killer. Plus: Turn the Other Cheek?

June 15, 2021

Folks I have not posted an article in two months, and yet I’m getting more hits these days than maybe ever, on average. Much of that I give credit to posting the disturbing but must-watch movie, ‘Eyes of the Devil’, about exposing child and human trafficking, by Polish director Patryk Vega. Then I have spent writing time on exposing the idiocy of “white fragility,” “white guilt,” “white supremacy,” and “whiteness,” which seems to permeate academia and the mainstream narrative…when they’re not trying to force or bribe or shame folks into taking these experimental NOT APPROVED BT THE FDA “vaccines” for a flu-like illness that is less deadly than the typical flu…and in fact it is possible the “vaccines” are causing more harm than covid! Why folks would take a “vaccine” NOT APPROVED BY THE FDA is not quite beyond me: “no jab, no job”? “Need a ‘Vaccine Passport'”? Airlines won’t let non-vaxxed folks on their planes (and now they’re saying since the vaxxed can’t handle the altitude, the vaxxed should NOT take planes! Sheesh! From the ‘change the narrative’ kingpin Fauci playbook?) Will cruise ships? (Will being vaxxed cause sea-sickness?) Can’t get into some ‘woke’ university without the jab? Can’t see (that joke of a rock band) Foo Fighters? (proving once again David Grohl is nothing but an elite-ass-kisser we all knew he was! How did Kurt Cobain put up with this clown? I’m being facetious, okay?) And then there is the “free donut,” “million-dollar-lottery,” “free beer” (folks, if it isn’t craft beer, it’s not worth drinking!), “free whatever” crapola bribe narrative…

Now whether it’s white fragility or covid vaxx shaming or the fact that you just love breathing in your own CO2 wearing a mask all day long and berating those who won’t or getting vaxxed for no other reason than going along to get along… Now let me ask you this: Just what the heck are you afraid of? Your neighbor will call the cops on you for walking outside your home without a mask on? Some store worker will call the cops on you for no mask? Social media crapola shaming you for not conforming to the fear mindset? Putting your job before your health or life (you know, breathing in your own CO2 all day long will likely cause health problems!) or being a guinea pig before understanding what the CDC won’t tell you about the vaccine NOT BEING APPROVED BY THE FDA so therefore NO ONE can require you to take it (and Houston’s Methodist Hospital should be put out of business for requiring it though many workers there will lose their jobs…I guess they value their lives more).

So why do folks put themselves at risk, and not just over vaccines–FEAR! Along with this is the narrative about conforming to the narrative just because…. FEAR. In the book and the varrious movie versions of Frank Herbert’s Dune is the famous line at the beginning of the book spoken by Paul Atreides as he is undergoing a ‘test’ so to speak given by the ‘Reverend Mother’ Moheim of the Benejesurites and has his hand in some ‘box’ in the test: “I must not fear. Fear is the Mind Killer.” And Herbert was correct: FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER! Because fear is an overwhelming emotion that enslaves one into thoughtlessly giving in to anxiety and irrationalism and even psychosis and neurosis whereby one will believe anything just so as to acommodate the “approved” narrative. Thoughtlessly, that is, without thinking, without using the mind, which, if not being used, will “kill” the mind. CRITICAL THINKING, not “critical race theory” garbage, is key to ending the emotion of fear.

Now, onto the next topic, words straight out of the mouth of Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:39 about (to paraphrase) ‘turning the other cheek.’ This might be one of the most misinterpreted verses in the Bible. One reason many non-Christians  have little regard for Christians is because most Christians use this verse as an excuse to refuse to do what is right, to defend their Bill of Rights against tyranny, etc. But they do not see the context, and, with the Bible, context is very important. To paraphrase, if someone “smites” or hits you on the cheek, turn your face and let the smiter smite you on the other cheek. Prior to that Christ mentions the notion of “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” response to some evil done to the person. Now Christ Himself resisted Satan a number of times and overthrew the moneychangers in the Temple and denounced the Pharisees, among other righteous behaviors, so why would He tell followers to allow evil doers to do more evil to them? Here is why, the context: If one practices the ‘eye for an eye, tooh for a tooth’ activity, all that will do is exacerbate the situation, likely to death. (Example: that Code of Lek practiced in Albania, where ‘blood feud’ could only be resolved when all parties in the feud were either dead or unable to respond! Yes it works for a while, but when does it end? And the shaming (coffee served under the knee, as if being pissed on) as well…when does it end? Read more about this here.) But not just that context. What Christ really means is either turn the other cheek to the point where the smiter realizes that is not the way to resolve an issue, or cause the smiter to regret doing so in the first place. Example: Supposed a spouse hurts the husband or wife somehow; at some point–unless that smiter is an unrepentent psychopath–the person who does the harm regrets it, often to the point of desiring to commit suicide, and the one harmed walks away, never to return, leaving the smiter to stew in it so to speak. In either case, the one who does the harm will deeply regret doing it!

Another example, this one being the context whereby we’re talking psychopathic tyranny here, by the enemies of We the People or by deranged satanic forces, the evil. (Christ also said something like ‘do not resist evil,’ which, considering that He did, sounds weird!) Would you really allow the forces of tyranny to kill your loved one? To steal your property just because? To throw you in an internment camp because some ‘woke’ idiot called you a “white supremacist”? And on and on. To take your guns? To destroy your freedom of speech? And on and on. Because some might actually think that is exactly what Christ would say to do–when Christ overthrew the moneychangers? Hmmmmm…. The best thing to do to ‘resist’ or fight evil is get out of the way and let evil fight itself! Yes, defend the Bill of Rights or right to bear arms, but do it right wihout putting yourself under psycho scrutiny or in front of nosey Stasi-like neighbors! If you have guns, why in the world would you tell your ‘woke’ neighbor you have guns? Why would you tell anyone you have guns? In fact, why are you buying guns that you have to register? Why can’t you just say (if they try to take your guns away), “I sold it to some dude” or bury it somewhere only you know where it is so that no nosey ‘woke’ neighbor even knows you have the guns? Why would you put on some MAGA hat when doing that puts you front and center in the ‘woke shaming’ game when you’re better off keeping your opinions to yourself around those you know are ‘woke’ idiots? Folks, the reasons those who get shamed and put in precarious positions put themselves in those positions is because they follow unwise behavior patterns, advertize themselves and guns or whatever on ‘woke’ social media and expose themselves the way they do to their detriment that will not solve their issues, only make them worse. Another Bible verse out of the mouth of Christ comes to mind: “Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)

Jesus also said, “Let the dead bury the dead.” (Luke 9:60) In other words, let the ‘woke’ bury the woke! Let the psychopaths eat each other. Let the satanists find themselves in the ‘outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth’ (Matthew 8:12 and others)–satan’s teeth on their souls or bones. Let the haters hate (themselves as well…all those self-hating whites, self-hating Jews, etc.) and let the destroyers (Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Tony Fauci, and the rest of the ‘Great Reset’ crowd) destroy themselves to where they’ll be crying out to be put on trial and sent to Antarctica where they’ll be forced to destroy themselves or eat each other.

Think this isn’t already happening? Even the ‘woke’ (example: Patrisse Cullors) are ‘burying the woke’! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

Hiatus Again…Internet Extremely Slow Here in Rural Remote…Where ‘The Narrative’ Doesn’t Apply

September 5, 2020

Hopefully the new ‘hiatus’ I am taking for a week or two or three (and family members are coming back out here again) will not last too long. Plus what with the hot temperatures, no rain, lots of wind and an internet provider that is constantly having to fix things and birds nesting on wi-fi towers and the rest of the story…out internet is almost dial-up speed these days! Very very slow. Heck it took almost five minutes to download this “post” page!

I have removed the “Obsolete Woman’ blog posts from Blogger and will post them all here (all five of them). That blog had very few views and no followers so since I have issues with Blogger and Google anyway, I’m no longer posting to that blog. Just found out Google is censoring some Christian blogs, so why use their Blogger?

Now onto ‘The Narrative,’ again. Maybe having slow internet is a good thing because it will sort of remind me that maybe I am too hooked on it and need to ‘hiatus’ about it if you know what I mean. I spend several hours a day reading news sites I trust (for the most part) and also watching videos–and the buffering on BitChute is maddening! (BitChute? What with YouTube censoring and banning truthful alt-media channels…)

So I can only watch some parts of BitChute videos unless they are very short. They’ll play for a minute or 30 seconds or less even and then buffer. Like I said, it’s as if we were on dial-up! So I can only take so much BitChute. Even YouTub buffers, but at least they don’t buffer as long and one can skip ahead to the key message of the video. I cannot figure out how to do that with BitChute.

And the other thing is I would rather read articles than watch videos…for one thing, I am a writer, and for another thing, I can copy and paste written words into a notepad doc and the links to the posts and reference them here or in comments on other sites. I can’t do that with videos (CASE Act and all that, without video maker permission or attribution.)

On to the message….

All over the news with ‘the narrative’ ruling the roost one sees nothing but Antifa-BLM riots and lootings and folks on either side getting shot or beat up and cops being abusive or complete cowards and holier-than-thou politicians on both sides ‘rules for thee but not for me’ hypocrites spouting their BS while they care not a fig for blacks or whites or whoever who just happen to pay their salaries just because…Soros or Adelson or Koch Brothers or Gil Bates or whoever their owner is will ‘cancel’ them if you know what I mean if they ‘get outta line.’

Gee I wrote about that sort of thing–only regarding the music industry and fictional rock stars and the like–in my trilogy novels at . And as I said in a previous post many folks refuse to speak out against ‘cancel culture’ because they are afraid to lose their jobs. But at some point they will have to do the right thing.

But reality, IMHO, is a lot different than ‘the narrative.’ Take all the cities all these riots and whatnot are happening within–even Kenosah, Wisconsin, is fairly large, about the size of the Permian Basin centers of the West Texas oil industry, Midland-Odessa that each has about 100,000 people. I figure the ‘narrative’ applies to maybe 20 million folks in a nation of 350 million folks more or less. And how many among those 20 million actually have to deal with these riots and lootings day in and day out? Maybe five million. Which is only a little over ONE PERCENT of the population of the US. Take into account there are likely OVER 5 MILLION Americans living in rural areas alone (supposedly, the populations of rural American account for TWO PERCENT of the US population. Two percent is SEVEN MILLION folks! And whenever Antifa-BLM tries to intimidate small town-rural America they get their a$$es handed to them! Think Sturgis here! (Honestly I am surprised these idiots actually thought they could do their things surrounded by 250,000 bikers!)

What I am saying is this–this fear-mongering ‘narrative’ that the MSM and even the alt-media is pushing for click-bait or whatever is just fear mongering, as it is affecting only about one percent of the population. Of course, many on the outskirts of this rioting crapola still need to pay attention and not fall for the guilt-trip they might be encouraged to adopt. And what with working from home on ZOOM or whatever, folks can leave the cities and ought to begin looking in rural areas for ‘refuges’ so to speak…just leave the ‘white fragility’ crapola where you came from, okay? One cannot be ‘fragile’ while dealing with rattlesnakes, mountain lions, feral 600 pound hogs and garden-invading javelinas (aka peccaries), bears….you get the idea?

The coming ‘mandatory’ Gil Bates chip DNA-RNA-altering vaccines that are being ‘warp speeded’ into November? Now that is something one might get concerned about! Mark of the Beast or not!

During this ‘hiatus’ the five Obsolete Woman posts will be posted here.

Individual or Collective, We Will Get What We Deserve

August 21, 2020

A lot of bloggers and so-called journalists (really, does such a person even exist anymore unless they get “cancel cultured”?) these days are saying “We’ll get what we deserve.” Because seemingly no one is resisting mask wearing and calling a spade a spade and getting all pissed off at riots and looting and the narrative.

Actually, the narrative–call it what you will and think about it as you will….I’m not going to say what this narrative is because all one has to do is watch MSM TV, listen to MSM radio or watch MSM YouTube channels–is what is turning parts of the US into a hell hole because those complaining about the narrative have done nothing to quell it. It’s like voting so you can complain or something!

But remember this: slaves can complain even though they may get whipped for it.

Folks who are free do not have to complain, so they don’t–these are the folks who DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Folks are pissed since police departments are being defunded. So? Take care of the matter yourself! Grow up, dumb ass!

Whites are complaining since whites are being shamed for being white–by whites no less! Bwahahahahahahaha! So? Why do you even listen to these idiots at NPR, CNN, etc. or the New York Crimes? (Note: Russ Winter at WinterWatch calls them the New York Slimes….maybe that is more accurate, but these bogus “journalists” are committing a hate crime by their constantly attacking whites WHO PAY THEIR SALARIES and, through taxation so that blacks can get all kinds of free stuff especially if they loot fancy stores, REPARATIONS!

You want reparations, black supremacist? Then loot the New York Times and the Washington Post! Steal their whatever and then sell it on E-Bay.

Note: I haven’t bought a damned thing on E-Bay in about 20 years and I never will.

So what do you do, white idiot? BOYCOTT, DIVEST and SANCTION The New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CNN, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other corporation “donating” to BLM and Antifa and their ilk (and the NFAC–Nothing Fluffy About Communist-crapola!) If BDS can work for Palestinians, why not whites?

And now on to the mask-wearing bullies….

Anyone wearing a mask because they want to since they think (likely wrongly, but that’s up to them) wearing a mask will protect others in stores and what not, fine. But it’s the mask wearing bullies that scream at children and injure parents and teens and adults and old folks simply because they are not wearing masks that need their come-upance! And maybe they are already in the process of getting their com-upance…not only are actual doctors telling folks to not wear masks which goes against the narrative and could get them fired from their jobs, but some mask wearers are already feeling the result of constant mask-wearing, such as breathing problems, rashes and pimples where the mask would be, and some themselves are being attacked for attacking others (esp. employees…remember that video of some old lady Karen being sent to the floor of a department store which causes her leg to be broken?)

Now the old lady didn’t deserve to get a broken leg out of it, but folks like her will get what they deserve when they get their “chip” of whatever. Here is a video that explains this…hopefully YouTube hasn’t deleted it yet.

Luciferase, and more about the Quantum Dots vaccines Gates is backing, Moderna

So here is what I’m saying:

Buy into the narrative and you will get the idiocy you deserve. Buy into “the mask cult” and get the “mark of the beast” (maybe) that just might change your RNA and DNA and make you not fully human…. Hopefully if there are mandatory vaccines they will at least have been proven to be safe and human friendly. But remember–if a vaccine harms you, you CANNOT SUE the vaccine maker…according to a law passed in 1986, vaccine makers are IMMUNE FROM LIABILITY! Think about that one! All vaccines should be VOLUNTARY!

Buy into white shame for no reason (did you own any black slaves? Huh? I didn’t think so!) and let those black supremacists destroy you and yours and let them burn or steal your house, car whatever…you may stop feeling guilty about being white but you might start feeling guilty about not being able to provide for you and yours, doncha think?

Keep wearing that mask that prevents you from breathing properly and fogs your glasses and makes you gasp for air at times and keep socially distancing so you won’t be able to hug your kids or grandkids or meet with friends just so you can bully those who do not follow your ‘narrative’ and see how happy you become since all you have become is a bully. Bullies are always happy, right? And so the elite masters you serve give one piece of iota about you? If you think so, you need to check your intelligence….your humanity as well. But if you want to be a zombie….I hope you can get paid to play one in some dystopian movie….ytou might actually be happy about that…

But if you get that luciferase vaccine and become part of (to reference Star Trek: Next Generation) “the borg” you sure will be happy then..unless it harms you but you can’t sue the vaccine maker because of a “law” and which why should vaccine makers create good vaccines that won’t harm you since you can’t sue them anyway….need I say more?

And to you far left Antif-ites: want Communism? You’ll get it!–a note from someone who actually hanged out with communists in the early 70s. I  know of what I speak! I said it in a previous post.


Corona Virus COVID-19: Here is Why I have Not ‘Pontificated’ About This Yet

March 10, 2020

When I know the TRUTH about this supposedly deadly virus is when I will write
post about it. Kind of why I haven’t done a post about the 2020 (s)elections–I don’t believe the outcome matters and I don’t believe the so-called ‘voters’ will have any effect on it. The (s)elections have already been decided and I don’t have the time for dog and pony shows, that’s why. And, oh yeah, I am not voting. As I always say, the time for complaining is over. And it looks as if it’ll be the Shabbos goy tied to organized crime and Epstein vs. a man who looks like he may be coming down with Alzheimers! But at least the Dems won’t be saddled with a Communist, right? Bwahahahahahahahah!

Right now, I wash my hands to the point where it hurts (plus throw 91 percent rubbing alcohol on them) and since I have very sensitive skin (itchy nose, ears, eyes, etc) I use tissues or handkerchiefs to rub these areas (handkerchiefs are called handkerchiefs for a reason! Hand + kerchief, it’s a kerchief for the hand, right?). Plus I do not live in or near a big city or homeless habitat where diseases are likely to spread more easily. Plus I live in a much cleaner environment, more natural. Plus I clean the sinks and spigots and door handles, etc. with chlorox, etc.

This article on UnzReview gets as close to the truth as I’ve read, so far. At least the author gives a crap about the truth of it. Both the MSM and alternative media are, for the most part, pulling click bait on us. I want truth, not click bait!

As this author states, with truth: “…History provides abundant evidence to demonstrate that official interpretations of transformative events often veer away from the truth in order to serve and protect the interests of entrenched power….”


Here is the other reason I want the truth–other than China, the nation most severely affected by this virus is Iran. Now, when you think of who would want to hurt Iran the most, which nation do you first think of? Israel, of course. So Israel, or their Shabbos goys in the US, create this virus strain to get back at Iran while covering their tracks allowing it to first attack China, the same China that Israel has allowed some Chinese naval groups into the port of Haifa? Which could possibly mean the virus gets into Israel? Oh, wait…it already has! Or does Benny boy–who STILL does not have the 61 Knesset seats he needs to officially become Prime Minister!–think the virus will only affect Palestinians? Bwahahahahah! (There are no Palestinians in the IDF!) And speaking of Palestinians…the reason Nutty Yahoo is still not the PM is (drum roll please) Joint List! 15 Knesset seats, their most ever! And some Israelis actually voted for Joint List! Bwahahahahahah! In other words, it is possible Israel tried to punish Iran but you know the “what goes around comes around” scenario…BTW, it is affecting Palestinians.

Note: There is almost no way Benny boy returns as Prime Minister of Israel. About time Israelis woke up! Gantz, who actually tried to bring some Joint List parties into his coalition back in September, 2019, is likely now to become the PM. When Benny has to try to blackmail some opposition members “or else,”…read the article…. You did it to yourself, Yahoo!

Finally, about vaccines…if the vaccines truly were vaccines I’d have no problem taking them, flu shots, etc. I’ve had flu shots in the past with seemingly no issues. I had polio shots in the 50s that research has shown have caused some folks to get cancer. Some scientists have admitted various shots in the 30s and 40s given to Afro-Americans were given to them to make them sterile on purpose. Perhaps some vaccines are given to “white trash” in Appalachia to mess up those “poor low IQ whites” as “white trash” which the elites consider them. Then you have the 1800s “smallpox” blankets on Native Americans… Here is my opinion not knowing the exact truth: vaccines given to “lower class” individuals likely tend to be more damaging whereas vaccines given to middle or upper class individuals regardless or race or ethnicity would be less damaging. Because the criminal psycho elites need “smart” middle and upper class folks of whatever race or ethnicity to do their dirty work and only need a limited amount of lower class folks in these days when robots are taking over menial jobs. Not that I am suggesting middle or upper class folks take vaccines..

Because the tech oligarchs whose god is AI and who intend to “enhance” themselves hate humanity even more than the criminal psycho elite banksters and “privileged” cohorts hate humanity. They’ll get their Noahide friends to take care of us true believers in Christ, while they handle the rest. And maybe Sharia as well….

And then there is the usual predictive programming movies: while everyone wonders about this virus, one can imagine whatever one wants while watching the following on DVD or maybe even TV–“V for Vendetta,” (yes, the Brits are actually paying ‘guinea pigs’ to test a supposed coronavirus vaccine!) “The Stand” (Stephen King’s death-plague magnum opus), “Contagion,” “Invasion,” “Constant Gardener” (about a UN medical team that starts a plague in Africa…kind of based on the Ebola thing), “I Am Legend” (and its precursor, “The Last Man on Earth”) and I’m sure I left a out a few….