Posts Tagged ‘Media Narrative’

MSM and Alt-Media Regarding Covid-Vaccine Truth: So Which Is It?

July 27, 2021

I have spent the last couple of months watching videos on various platforms about the efficacy of the various Covid-19 “vaccines,” mRNA or not, and about if Covid is real or a bioweapon and where did it come from, from the usual idiots “narrative-speaking” on various MSM media channels and from those that claim to speak the truth on alt-media channels and sound like they know what they are talking about because this doctor involved with creating the virus or the vaccine says the covid and vaccine are actually dastardly things to cull the population and so on. “Mark of the Beast” stuff.

Now we know the MSM is just spouting “the narrative” and is seeking to cajole or bully everyone into taking these “vaccines” helped out by has-been celebrities like Foo Fighters or LeBron James or Geraldo Rivera. (Thank God for Eric Clapton, who took the jab, got screwed over by it, and is truth-telling and won’t perform before vaxxed-only customers!) And “president” Biden (sorry, folks, I just can’t call this dude a legit President!) is telling a town hall meeting featuring Don Lemon-head (who is worse? him or Rachel MadCow?) where you’d think his teleprompter is off in another dimension he’s gibber-gabbering like some dude with dementia (and now we have some senator wanting to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove this dude…and then we get Commie Kammy??? Cute, kiddo, cute!) So as we all know the MSM lies through it’s teeth, no more about this. Moving on to the alternative media….

Is the alternative media, which for the most part is anti-vax and thinks it knows everything about covid, from its reason for existence being to implement “the great reset” or to cull the population Georgia-guidestones style or to turn us all into AI robots as part of “the borg” so to speak…. But is the alternative media telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God?

Not the whole truth, because they in their separate news channels and video channels and so on are not exactly in sync. You have that Fifth Column group of doctors in Spain saying (despite what Pfizer and Moderna claim) there is no mRNA in those vaccines, but it’s all graphene oxide. So if this is true, then why would Pfizer and Moderna say there is mRNA in their “vaccines”? And if this is true, then (since pix of graphene oxide show a blackish coloration) why are those vaccines light-colored? And several anti-vax medical folks have refuted this claim. But what if those Spanish dudes are correct after all? And what if they are spouting nonsense?

Then you have anti-vaxxers of all types within the medical field saying the “vaccines” create sterilizations and thrombosis and heart conditions and trauma of various kinds and Bell’s Palsey, etc., as can be seen on videos all over the place (just check out various alt-news or alt-health sites and I am sure one can click on links to various “vaccine effect” videos of folks shaking and unable to walk or keep their hands straight or their mouths, etc.). Many of these videos I’ve seen and even some on YouTube (which is in censorship mode like crazy these days) but also Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, etc. (Odysee is really good for slow internet connections like I have in the rural remote; Rumble is terrible!) have lots of these vids created seemingly on TikTok. But here is my question–are these videos real?

And I know what you are thinking…how dare I question the possibility that some of these videos, and maybe most of them, are just acting? Maybe they are, folks…think about it. Hopefully, they are real because folks and especially young folks watching these videos will convince themselves not to get the “vaccine.” Why do I think they should not get the “vaccine”? Because they DON’T NEED THE “VACCINE”!

One, the CDC has just cancelled the PCR Test because most Americans anyway already know they mostly produce false positives. Its inventor, Karry Mullis, claimed many months ago this test WILL NOT DIAGNOSE COVID! Two, the way covid numbers where rigged what with hospitals having to claim patients had covid and were in there because of covid when that was nonsense and they were in there for accidents or heart attacks or cancer or whatever….they were in there “because of covid” only for the money when “covid” was the reason the patients were in the hospitals. Three, because too many folks are reporting to VAERS of the CDC that the “vaccines” have various side effects, some of which I mentioned above.

Screw the “Delta/Epsilon/Lamda/whatever Variants”! If it truly is a virus, it’s going to do what virus’s do–mutate into “variants.” Oh, and didn’t the CDC or whatever authority claim the “vaccines” do not work on these variants?

In a previous post I told the truth about the fact that FEAR, the “mind killer,” is what drives folks to follow the narrative and get the jab. Or continue to wear masks outdoors or rat out neighbors who hug neighbors without masks, etc. Or perhaps for money or favors report folks who they believe are un-vaxxed to the “authorities” (and how is the “door to door” vaxx program working out, Joe ol’ boy?).

But what if it is true also that FEAR of the vaxxed, FEAR of getting vaxxed, or FEAR of totalitarianism-from-the-great-reset-elites-as-if-there-is-no-alternative is also at play here. In other words, are We the People being played by BOTH SIDES???

Here is why I think this “being played by both sides” is a valid statement worthy of truth seeking:

One, about half of everyone I know out here (and various other loved ones) has been “vaccinated” with Moderna, the “vaccine” of choice in an area that lacks storage facilities that can store, say, the Pfizer “vaccine” at minus 70 Celsius. And guess what? NO ADVERSE REACTIONS other than pain at the jab site or headaches or drowsiness, for a day or so. Nothing like what can be seen in those TikTok videos. Most of the folks who got the jab were between ages 40 and 70. Some had serious co-morbidities like COPD or previous blood clots and had to take Eliquis for them. A couple of these folks use inhalers as well. Some were young and had no health issues. Some are health workers. Again, NO ADVERSE REACTIONS other than what many would get taking a regular flu shot.

Which, as I had previously speculated, could mean that Moderna has a “safer” version of the jab for certain folks and a more “unsafe” versionn for other folks… But I have no proof of this. So, if indeed everyone I know who took the jab got the exact same version of the Moderna jab and none of these folks reported (or could be seen to have) adverse reactions except for mild ones, then is the Moderna “vaccine” deadly or poisonous or “changing ones DNA” or “cytokine storming their immunity with garbage spike proteins” or what? And can the same thing be said about the Pfizer or J&J or AstraZeneca or SinoVac or Sputnik or whatever version of these covid “vaccines”?

So, what is the truth of it? Because I have this suspicious mindset, because I want no FEAR in my life, and I want the truth, and folks, that means I must question everything, even things spouted by sites that are most likely to tell the truth. Because folks, NO ONE KNOWS THE WHOLE TRUTH OF IT. Because God is in control, not man! So I simply cannot take every word of every “vaccine truther” out there as absolute truth.

And a final reason. While covid-fear-crapola and “vaccine” propaganda are the biggest plays on the world stage these days and the reaction to them including world-wide protests and the non-compliance that goes with it, is these staging scenarios keeping We the People from seeing other very serious and evil plans being carried out? Such as…

Why are Europe and China and other places being annihilated by floods? Just as why is the northwest and central upper peninsula areas of the USA–where wheat and corn and cattle and lumber and whatnot is king so to speak–in the super duper drought the likes of which one might expect in the deserts of far west Texas and Arizona, NOT IN North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon (home of that Boot Leg Fire of many hundreds of thousands of acres of mostly forest), and also that “heat dome” especially in Canada! Yep, it’s hotter at the 50th parallel than here are the 30th! Just what the heck is going on??? Oh, and while North Dakota is drying up, far west desert-mountain Texas has had more rain in three weeks than in the previous 15 months?? (According to some weather site stats anyway). And all those supply chain stoppages… Just check out one of my fave channels, Ice Age Farmer. This Christian dude (that’s his name, okay?) has been a shining light of (very likely) truth, for me anyway. And why is Africa (again) being hit by huge swarms of locusts? Geoengineering? Are “directed energy weapons” a real thing? Does Deborah Tavares, the DEW lady, know something we don’t, or is she just seeking attention? Who knows, and these stories need more investigation for truth. Truth is really all that matters. Because IMHO both sides are exploiting FEAR.

And what about other issues that seemingly have disappeared from the truthseeking eyes? Has the notion of Noahide, where Talmudic Jewry will “decapitate” all true believers on Christ, suddenly disappeared because now in Israel that country is being hammered by covid vaccine deaths and injuries (and “vaccines” are now mandatory…or is God just cursing Israel because Benny boy got replaced?). Has the notion of the supposed “Chinese and Russian invasion of the US” just gone MadCow-d? Now the climatic scenarios of the Grand Solar Minimum (which, doncha know, is likely causing at least a good part of the crazy weather the Earth is having, and geoengineering and DEWs are just an excuse?) have suddenly gone ‘under the weather’? Now the trillion dollar/Euro/Yen/Yuan/whatever currency market and world wide economies are no longer important even though much of that is what the ‘great reset’ is based on, is being cancelled? Or are the moneyed elites just eating each other over it? And speaking of the ‘great reset,’ is covid and vaccines just a distraction from the notion so many hold that we’ll be forced to “own nothing and be happy’ eating bugs or meal worms or fake meat because that is why Kill Bates and China are buying all this USA farm land, on top of Black Rock buying all houses and rentals for sale…etc. And did I miss anything here? Oh yeah…”wokeness”….. But I’ll leave that to blacks with critial thinking skills, not “critical race theory,” to do a number on “the woke.” Again, YouTube and other platforms are loaded with blacks and others annihilating this racist garbage!

So I will end this screed by saying this: truly truth seek! And not just about covid and “vaccines” either, because more than those issues are at stake here! And where did I get the notion that we are being played by both sides? This article up on Makow’s site posted July 26, 2021 is a start, and it is very interesting… Here is the link:

Synarchism: The “Right” is Also Under Satanist Control

And here is another Makow very interesting link:

Prominent Anti-Vaxxers Have Occult Links

Obsolete Woman Post Two: Repost from Blogger

September 13, 2020

The Purpose of this New Blog Obsolete Woman

I have other blogs as well as my author-self-publish website OmegaBooks that features my The Prodigal Band Trilogy and the three separate novels I self-published in the late 90s and in 2018. On that site I write about those novels. On my Something Happening Here blog I write about political, social, religious. cultural and even sports issues that tend to go against that particular narrative.

Because the mainstream–media, churchianity, politics, etc.–is composed by whatever elites rule that narrative.

As the late great comedian George Carlin would say, “It’s a club and you’re not in it.”

Since I am not in this elite “club” why should I give a crap what their narrative is other than to keep an eye on it, so to speak. It is important to know whatever we can know about what these elites–to me they are useless eaters, which is what they refer to us as–are up to.

Here is, IMHO, what they are up to. Let’s begin with the so-called corona virus “pandemic.” It began around February into March, and in late March the so-called lock downs began, the social distancing and mask wearing. There were protests in Michigan primarily, but also in other places, against the lock downs. Co-incidence? But there also “Trump” or “MAGA” hats and signs protesters had. That Michigan governor wanted those protesters gone and so they were chased off by police. Mostly these protests occurred in April. There were also protests around churches what with Easter upon them, and there were also some protests by Orthodox Jewish synagogue communities…Passover, right? Especially in the Hassidic community in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY. Some churches and synagogues (and mosques?) remained open and some had “drive-in” services or outdoor one. But the various governments chided those who partook in these religious services guaranteed under the First Article/Amendments.

Note: First Article and other Articles refer to the Bill of Rights. First Amendment and other Amendments refer to the Constitution. All of the Bill of Rights are ratified, but some Amendments to the Constitution were never properly ratified. Do your own research on this.

So then these protests stop and it is the so-called end of lock downs by late May in most states. Texas and a few others opened earlier, late April/early May. Social distancing and mask wearing are still part of the narrative but no one is really enforcing them much. The covid-19 spikes are going down.

So then it is late May and a man named George Floyd is supposedly killed by a cop with the knee on the man’s neck. I am not going to get into why, who Floyd was, who Chauvin was, and how the man died…and now many in the alt-media say he died of OD of Fentanyl!

Is this the new 9-11?

But anyway, out of nowhere–and when something happens out of nowhere I tend to be suspicious of whatever narrative the MSM or alternative media comes up with–far left/communist/anarchist/socialist/whatever groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) come up with the notions of looting and rioting and shaming white folks, etc.

You know what is so suspicious about all this? Now I can see blacks all pissed off about how cops treat them and they are basically correct–they are generally abused by cops for really no reason in a lot of situations–but not all situations. I myself do not like cops unless I know who they are…though the cops out here in far west Texas are generally well-behaved regardless of race (far west Texas is Hispanic majority, and Hispanics and “Anglos” tend to get along just fine. So what if they speak Spanish to each other? They are okay with English.) The few blacks out here are just fine as well; most are Sul Ross State University students and my daughter there had some black friends as well as Hispanic ones, or mixed race ones. There are a couple of black preachers and one large black man is a guy who fixes the wi-fi internet…he looks like an NFL linebacker!).

Suspicion? The death of Floyd happens then all of a sudden the “peaceful protests” which turn into lootings of small (many black owned) businesses and also high-end businesses as well, and burnings, and riots….all of a sudden? I mean, don’t these activities have to be organized and also funded? How did bricks suddenly show up in the midst of Dallas? And other places? Why were small black owned businesses destroyed if “the white man” was the problem? And then why was Antifa-BLM allowed by a mayor to set up an “autonomous zone” which was only shut down when she was threatened by this mob and when some of these mob folks murdered BLACK teens and other blacks? So “black lives matter,” eh? This CHAZ or whatever became such an embarrassment to this mayor that she really had no choice. She had to do this before she was “cancel cultured.”

So chased out of Seattle, they move to NYC and Billie Boy DeBlasio welcomes them with open arms so he can paint a “Black Lives Matter” logo or whatever next to a set of buildings owned by President Trump! And what a tweet storm that caused!

My point? So all these government officials go bonkers when whites joined by blacks and others protest lock downs, but sing hallelulah when Antifa-BLM-and their ilk burn down and loot cities, and wouldn’t you know it but they end these lock downs just in time for these riots? And George Floyd gets “knee-d” at the ends of these lock downs? And then the destructions of statues, etc around the Fourth of July? But God forbid any town should have a parade, right? Fines for fireworks….but not for destroying statues of ABOLITIONISTS and folks like Frederick Douglass, let along Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant?

But why does this actually make sense in terms of an evil point of view? Because if folks regardless of race knew themselves to be INDIVIDUALS and not simply a COLLECTIVE these evil events might not be happening at all. And NARRATIVE and COLLECTIVE work hand-in-hand. In the narrative theer is no room for individuality and individualism.

Note: when I use the term collective I mean in the communist sense: the collective way or the gulag. Some collectives work differently for the most part and are meant to–the Body of Christ, a community of neighbors that get along just fine and help each other out, a work group/team such as a rock band or small company or even a family, etc.

My purpose for this site is to encourage individuality and do my best to discourage communist-style collectivism, regardless of race (and I know for a fact there are white-type BLM type racist collectives as well…neo-Nazis, Christian Identity/British Israelists (who are also anti-semitic of course), and perhaps militias that are just as funded by Soros and Co. like Antifa and BLM are…the enemy always funds both sides!