Posts Tagged ‘Individualism’

Obsolete Woman Post Two: Repost from Blogger

September 13, 2020

The Purpose of this New Blog Obsolete Woman

I have other blogs as well as my author-self-publish website OmegaBooks that features my The Prodigal Band Trilogy and the three separate novels I self-published in the late 90s and in 2018. On that site I write about those novels. On my Something Happening Here blog I write about political, social, religious. cultural and even sports issues that tend to go against that particular narrative.

Because the mainstream–media, churchianity, politics, etc.–is composed by whatever elites rule that narrative.

As the late great comedian George Carlin would say, “It’s a club and you’re not in it.”

Since I am not in this elite “club” why should I give a crap what their narrative is other than to keep an eye on it, so to speak. It is important to know whatever we can know about what these elites–to me they are useless eaters, which is what they refer to us as–are up to.

Here is, IMHO, what they are up to. Let’s begin with the so-called corona virus “pandemic.” It began around February into March, and in late March the so-called lock downs began, the social distancing and mask wearing. There were protests in Michigan primarily, but also in other places, against the lock downs. Co-incidence? But there also “Trump” or “MAGA” hats and signs protesters had. That Michigan governor wanted those protesters gone and so they were chased off by police. Mostly these protests occurred in April. There were also protests around churches what with Easter upon them, and there were also some protests by Orthodox Jewish synagogue communities…Passover, right? Especially in the Hassidic community in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY. Some churches and synagogues (and mosques?) remained open and some had “drive-in” services or outdoor one. But the various governments chided those who partook in these religious services guaranteed under the First Article/Amendments.

Note: First Article and other Articles refer to the Bill of Rights. First Amendment and other Amendments refer to the Constitution. All of the Bill of Rights are ratified, but some Amendments to the Constitution were never properly ratified. Do your own research on this.

So then these protests stop and it is the so-called end of lock downs by late May in most states. Texas and a few others opened earlier, late April/early May. Social distancing and mask wearing are still part of the narrative but no one is really enforcing them much. The covid-19 spikes are going down.

So then it is late May and a man named George Floyd is supposedly killed by a cop with the knee on the man’s neck. I am not going to get into why, who Floyd was, who Chauvin was, and how the man died…and now many in the alt-media say he died of OD of Fentanyl!

Is this the new 9-11?

But anyway, out of nowhere–and when something happens out of nowhere I tend to be suspicious of whatever narrative the MSM or alternative media comes up with–far left/communist/anarchist/socialist/whatever groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) come up with the notions of looting and rioting and shaming white folks, etc.

You know what is so suspicious about all this? Now I can see blacks all pissed off about how cops treat them and they are basically correct–they are generally abused by cops for really no reason in a lot of situations–but not all situations. I myself do not like cops unless I know who they are…though the cops out here in far west Texas are generally well-behaved regardless of race (far west Texas is Hispanic majority, and Hispanics and “Anglos” tend to get along just fine. So what if they speak Spanish to each other? They are okay with English.) The few blacks out here are just fine as well; most are Sul Ross State University students and my daughter there had some black friends as well as Hispanic ones, or mixed race ones. There are a couple of black preachers and one large black man is a guy who fixes the wi-fi internet…he looks like an NFL linebacker!).

Suspicion? The death of Floyd happens then all of a sudden the “peaceful protests” which turn into lootings of small (many black owned) businesses and also high-end businesses as well, and burnings, and riots….all of a sudden? I mean, don’t these activities have to be organized and also funded? How did bricks suddenly show up in the midst of Dallas? And other places? Why were small black owned businesses destroyed if “the white man” was the problem? And then why was Antifa-BLM allowed by a mayor to set up an “autonomous zone” which was only shut down when she was threatened by this mob and when some of these mob folks murdered BLACK teens and other blacks? So “black lives matter,” eh? This CHAZ or whatever became such an embarrassment to this mayor that she really had no choice. She had to do this before she was “cancel cultured.”

So chased out of Seattle, they move to NYC and Billie Boy DeBlasio welcomes them with open arms so he can paint a “Black Lives Matter” logo or whatever next to a set of buildings owned by President Trump! And what a tweet storm that caused!

My point? So all these government officials go bonkers when whites joined by blacks and others protest lock downs, but sing hallelulah when Antifa-BLM-and their ilk burn down and loot cities, and wouldn’t you know it but they end these lock downs just in time for these riots? And George Floyd gets “knee-d” at the ends of these lock downs? And then the destructions of statues, etc around the Fourth of July? But God forbid any town should have a parade, right? Fines for fireworks….but not for destroying statues of ABOLITIONISTS and folks like Frederick Douglass, let along Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant?

But why does this actually make sense in terms of an evil point of view? Because if folks regardless of race knew themselves to be INDIVIDUALS and not simply a COLLECTIVE these evil events might not be happening at all. And NARRATIVE and COLLECTIVE work hand-in-hand. In the narrative theer is no room for individuality and individualism.

Note: when I use the term collective I mean in the communist sense: the collective way or the gulag. Some collectives work differently for the most part and are meant to–the Body of Christ, a community of neighbors that get along just fine and help each other out, a work group/team such as a rock band or small company or even a family, etc.

My purpose for this site is to encourage individuality and do my best to discourage communist-style collectivism, regardless of race (and I know for a fact there are white-type BLM type racist collectives as well…neo-Nazis, Christian Identity/British Israelists (who are also anti-semitic of course), and perhaps militias that are just as funded by Soros and Co. like Antifa and BLM are…the enemy always funds both sides!

New Blogger Site: Obsolete Woman…Long Live the Individual!

July 10, 2020

My new blog site, Obsolete Woman,  the idea of which is based on one of my fave 1960s Twilight Zone episodes, ‘Obsolete Man,’ set in a dystopian collectivist society similar to the Soviet Union or the People’s Republic of China, where individual and freedom of thought is banned, shunned, shamed…kinda like saying  “All Lives Matter,” or the nonsense JK Rowling is going through since she does not support transgenderism even though she is a staunch leftist….cancel culture and all that crap!

When you can’t protest Covid-19 lockdowns in Michigan but can riot and loot in NYC and set up bogus communist “autonomous zones” in Seattle and NYC and elsewhere where folks of a certain skin color have to bow down to folks of another skin color–the same skin color where these “peaceful protestors” murder children with that same skin color!

And if you don’t go along with ‘the narrative’ (and who gets to decide what that narrative is but far leftist communists in the mainstream media…think Don Lemon here…you get cancel cultured?

Well, you fascists….fascists, communists, same thing…collectivist overlords….go ahead and ‘cancel me’! I’ve been cancelled before…but like the spirit of goodness, I will come back to haunt you.

Note: the blog is to promote individualism, not politics, religion, pop culture, cultural non-Marxism, any particular country or group. And why collectivism is NOT a good idea!

Critical thinking is what we need! Seeking the TRUTH is what we need. Screw the ‘narrative’!